Page 14 of Hacker
“You know those men risked their lives to rescue you, right?”
She nodded, “I’m not complaining. I’d drive twenty getaway trucks if it meant getting away from Duke and Chevron. They’re both insane.”
I walked her through the logic. “Why do you think they might have taken all their cash?”
She responded immediately, “Probably because it’s small, unmarked bills.”
“The primary reason is because Twisted Metal MC won’t be needing you to launder money if they don’t have loads of money sitting around.”
“Oh my gosh, you’re right. I should have thought of that first.”
“Also, one of the primary tenets of war is to deprive your enemy of resources. There wasn’t a damn chance in hell Storm would leave those idiots with piles of cash to spend on weapons and manpower so they can wreak their revenge.”
She glanced at me nervously. “That’s really smart. I never would have thought of that in a million years.”
“And almost half of the men that showed up here today were not from Storm’s club. If he can grab money to compensate them for volunteering to risk their necks to save one of our own, he’d be a fool not to do it.”
“I’m one of their own? In what way.”
“I’m signing on with the Slayers, and you’re my girl.”
“You’re going to join an outlaw MC?”
“I ran a check on that, Angel. Storm’s club doesn’t run guns or drugs. All their jobs are with legitimate businesses that the club owns and operates. They own a garage, a bar, and a security services business. I think they need someone like me, an IT specialist.”
“So you’re pretty good with computers, huh?”
I nodded and told her the truth because my little love didn’t deserve lies from man she loved. “I was a military intelligence officer with a top secret security clearance. I learned how to access information quickly during times of crisis. I breached several state and local databases in an effort to find out who grabbed you, and where they took you. I’m sure my skills will be useful for their security services business.”
Angel was quiet for a long time before she spoke.
“I know that I shouldn’t be, but I’m grateful there are brave, capable men like you and Storm. Men willing to right the wrongs that no one else can.” She cleared her throat before speaking again. “When I was trapped in that room with Duke’s hand around my throat, I honestly thought I was going to die. I made peace with it. When he didn’t kill me, something deep in my soul splintered because I realized that he could keep me there forever and torment me any way he liked, and death would be my only escape.”
“I’m going to fucking kill that prick,” I growled.
“No. You’re not. I’m not having you in danger again because of this. I can’t lose you, Adam.”
“Anyway, what I was trying to say was that what Storm and his MC doesn’t even come close to the evil things that Twisted Metal does on the regular.”
She looked over at me with a serious look on her face. “I’ll drive the getaway truck for the Slayers and for you any damn time.”
My heart nearly jumped out of my chest with both love and alarm. “I promise you that I’ll stay out of the line of fire if you will, Angel. I can’t lose you. You’re the only bright spot in my life.”
She deadpanned back, “Don’t lie to me, Adam Daniels. The Dark Slayers MC is also a bright spot for you now.”
I leaned back on my arms and crossed my stubby legs. “You might be right about that, sweetness. Storm and the rest of the men are doing the best they can to turn this town around and I want to be part of making our lives better. But when it comes to things that light up my life, you are always going to outshine everything else. Keeping you safe and happy is the new compass that guides my life.”
“You are the sweetest man I’ve ever known,” she replied, her voice dripping with adoration.
It blew my mind that a banged up fucker like myself could be adored by a beautiful woman with a heart of gold. I had to be the luckiest bastard in the entire world. My greedy mind immediately began scheming about how to keep her. Was one month too soon to propose? Probably should wait at least three so she didn’t feel pressured. Dreams of domestic bliss filled my head as we transported a truckload of stolen cash to the Slayers’ clubhouse.
Chapter 8
When we patched in our newest brother, the club name I chose to give him was a no-brainer. And by the time Hacker and Angel married a few months later, the club was booming.
Our club was twenty members strong. Our garage and security firm were doing well, and we were toying with the idea of running a strip club that was off site and open to the public all day. Our club brothers were doing better by and large.