Page 7 of Hacker
“You can fix this, make sure you…”
She shoved my chest. “Don’t even go there. I’m not taking the day after pill or doing anything else that would hurt our baby.”
“Possible baby,” I reminded her. “We’re probably freaking out for no reason.”
She was staring up at me through her thick lashes. “Would you really want me to do something like that?”
“Fuck no. I’d love to have a child with you. If not now, then later when we’re more settled. The decision isn’t mine to make, though, and I don’t want to pressure you.”
She climbed into my lap. “It’s our decision to make together, and it sounds like we’re both on the same page.”
I pressed my forehead to hers. “I fucking love you, Angel. We’ve been dancing around each other for months. I want you in my life permanently.”
“Thank God. You’re all I’ve wanted since you came back home.”
“Why don’t you grab some clean clothes, and we’ll go into town for breakfast?”
She nodded, “That would be amazing, Adam.”
I slapped her gently on the ass. “Get going, beautiful. Your man’s starving.”
She laughed. “I’m a better workout than the gym.”
My sweet Angel was dressed and out the door in record time. I threw myself onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. My life had done a one-eighty and it was a good thing. I was getting sick of wallowing in self-pity. It was time to live again.
I cleaned myself up and pulled on fresh clothing. I had always put a pair of shoes on the foot rest of my wheelchair where my pants ended. I guessed it was because I was self-conscious. Now that I was intent on living my best life, I decided to lead a more authentic one. One shoe after another landed with thud in my bedroom closet.
We’d obviously take Angel’s car. She had driven me places a couple of times in the past. Now that I was back in the game, perhaps I should explore buying a car modified for paraplegics. Since I had good manual dexterity, I was sure I could drive with my hands.
I wheeled out onto my front porch and before I could navigate down my ramp, I heard a blood-curdling scream. My heart raced because it was Angel.
I flew down my ramp and hit the driveway in time to see someone in a leather jacket shoving her into a van. We made eye contact for a split second, and I saw such regret on her face. I screamed, “Hang tight, Angel. I’ll be coming for you.”
She shook her head in a silent plea for me to stay away. Fuck that. I didn’t even hesitate, I moved as fast as I could and missed being able to grab the door handle by seconds. Sitting there in the dust cloud they’d just kicked up; I took a second to memorize the license plate. Something settled over me in that moment. Gone was the panicking, my heartrate slowed, and I went into warrior mode, just like I did all those times in the military.
I didn’t know who these men were or what they wanted with my Angel, but I was going to track the fuckers down and make them pay for putting their hands on her. The first order of business was to report her abduction to someone who could actually help me find her.
As I wheeled back up my ramp and went toward the front door, I saw that the two men who had visited the day before had left behind a flyer on my door. But it wasn’t the number of the support group that caught my eye, it was something else. Their organization was run by the Dark Slayers MC. Didn’t a lot of those motorcycle gangs help with this sort of trouble?
Bringing the flyer with me, I wheeled over to my desk to retrieve my cell phone and started to dial. Even if these guys didn’t help with kidnappings, they might have some idea who would.
A woman answered the phone. “Slayer’s garage. How may I help you?”
“I want to talk to Storm.”
There was a slight hesitation in her voice, “He’s in a meeting right now.”
I spoke loud and clear to make sure there was no misunderstanding. “I don’t care if he in a meeting, sleeping, shitting or crawled under a vehicle changing a leaky oil pan. I want you stop whatever you’re doing and get him to the phone right goddamn now. It’s a fucking life or death emergency.”
“Yes sir. Right away sir.”
Storm came on the line less than a minute later. “Who the fuck is this and what do you want?”
“It’s Adam Daniels. You said to call if I need help. I need fucking help, right now. This very minute.”
Storm’s voice became instantly alarmed. “You got it, brother. What’s going on?”
“Some thugs wearing leather cuts forced that nice, friendly neighbor who called you into their van. They took her away, kicking and screaming.”