Page 9 of Hacker
I snatched it out of the air when he tossed it to me. “Fucking hell, my sweet friend was not very security conscious. Her phone isn’t even locked.”
Scrolling through her phone, anger fired in my gut. “She’s been getting text messages from Chevron. He wants her to launder money through the businesses that have entrusted her with their financial accounts. He’s not coming right out and saying it, but I can read between the lines. She turned him down repeatedly, even though he kept offering her larger sums of money.”
“That’s good news. If he needs her to launder money for him, that means he’s not going to kill her.”
“Yeah, but he can do a lot of horrible shit to force her into doing his bidding.”
Storm walked over to stand in front of me. ““There’s no guarantee that Duke is in on this scheme. It could be that Chevron is doing it behind his back. Either way, they’d take her somewhere isolated. What’s our next move?”
I blinked up at him. “Don’t you have a fucking plan?”
“No. We just got here, remember?” A brief silence spun out between us before he spoke again. “You were military intelligence. Analyzing shit was your job. Apply those skills to this situation and we just might be able to recover your friend before seriously bad shit happens to her.”
My eyes drifted closed and images of the information we’d uncovered swarmed through my mind. I had an identic memory which is why they tapped me for military intelligence in the first place.
The assortment of properties floated to the top of my mind. It’s logical to think that he took her somewhere private that he controls.
Suddenly, a vision of the abduction crystalized. I could see the one they called Chevron. He looked like he had a Native American heritage. Then there was the driver. He had a gold tooth and a sneering smile. I could tell there was another man, but I didn’t get a glimpse of his face. Angel screamed. Seconds ticked by, and when the door slammed shut there was an image of a restaurant logo. A Mexican hat with two red peppers decorating it. The lettering read, Les Mes Taco. It was a restaurant delivery truck. My eyes popped open.
“There was a taco stand on the outskirts of town, the east side, that used to be popular when I was a kid. I didn’t think it was still in business, but Les Mes Taco was printed on the side of the van.”
“I remember that place. It closed down years ago,” Storm said.
I looked up into his eyes. “It was one of the properties Chevron inherited from his grandfather. It’s isolated, and a place Chevron has total control of because he owns it.”
Storm nodded, “It’s as good a place as any to start our search.”
Chapter 5
We arrived at the property that Adam determined was the most likely place for Chevron to have taken his friend. We broke down his wheelchair and strapped it to the back of the sidecar on Thunder’s bike. We’d brought it specifically in case we needed to transport Adam.
He had his wheelchair open and was dragging himself into it before I could get turned around. This man had gone from hopelessly depressed to highly motivated in the space of a day, all for a woman. I wasn’t even surprised when he pulled out a handgun and tucked three extra clips between his right leg and the seat of his rugged little wheelchair with no arm rests.
I stalked over to him. “We aren’t here to shoot the place up. You know that, right?”
He began wheeling himself towards the front door. “You might not be here to shoot the place up, but I’m fully prepared to kill if that’s what it takes to get her outta there.”
I motioned for Breaker and Grit to move around each side of the building. “Thunder, scout out the back of the property. Razor and Dix, you’re with us.”
Adam took out his cell phone and scanned across the front of the building. I gaped at what I saw on the screen. “You have fucking infrared technology in your fucking phone?”
Without looking over his shoulder at me, he responded, “Calm the fuck down. It’s just a new thermal app. I’m getting one heat signature that looks like a person and one that might be a heat source.”
I responded with disgust, “He’s probably cooking meth. It looks like your friend isn’t here, but we might be able to beat some information out of this fucker. You okay with that, Adam?”
Finally, Adam did look over his shoulder. “Yeah, whatever it takes.”
I coordinated with Grit, Breaker and Thunder. We made our way into the building through different entry points. I used hand signals to point them in the right direction. We busted open the door to find one guy, heating hot dogs on a hot plate. His eyes bulged and he froze, the spatula in his hand taking a tumble to the dirty tile floor. In front of him was a huge table filled with one kilogram bricks of what appeared to be meth.
The scruffy biker turned and made a grab for his gun, but Grit was all over him.
Breaker commented from across the room, “There isn’t any paraphernalia for cooking meth here, so this must just be their cutting and packaging station.”
Adam rolled up to the table and picked up one of the packages. He dipped his finger into a box of white powder they had apparently been mixing with the brick that had been torn open. He brought it to his mouth and made a face. “I believe they’re cutting it with unscented baby powder.”
“Yeah, it’s the cheapest substance to cut drugs with”.