Page 12 of Gangsta
He nodded then went back to pleasing me. However, when his tongue slid up the crack of my ass, I knew why he asked that question. He was eating out the groceries, making me squirm uncontrollably. The way he kept calling me baby was taking me places I wasn’t sure I wanted to go. If I knew he would be going to those places with me, I would gladly be free in my emotions. This was just a fuck… a good ass fuck. I was brought back to the present when he smacked my ass then shoved his big ass dick inside of me.
I lifted my hips more, trying to give him the perfect arch as he rearranged my insides. God! He was fucking me hard, and my body loved that shit. “Jooooeell, fuck!”
“Yeah, baby. You creaming all over my dick. Fuck!”
He lifted my leg, causing me to fall to my side, and continued fucking my life up. What made it worse was his gaze. This was something he’d refused to do earlier. He stared into my soul as his dick dragged me to hell and back. Then it dawned on me. He was high as fuck. Completely sober Joel was a jackass. That realization didn’t diminish how I was feeling now though. I knew it would help me understand why he would probably ghost my ass after this though. Fuck him.
I pushed him away from me then sat up. I pushed him backwards and straddled him, sliding down his dick with haste. He rested his hands at my hips as he frowned. I began bouncing on him as he said, “Oh fuck!”
I didn’t utter a sound as I turned the table and took control. He had me feeling all sensitive and shit when I knew things wouldn’t continue this way. He went up on his elbows and stared at my titties as they bounced. After that, I closed my eyes and focused on my nut. When that shit rocked me, I opened my eyes to see it pouring out of me all over him and his bed. His ass looked like he was in a trance as the beads of sweat began rolling down the side of his head.
Gripping my hips, he lifted me from his dick and shot cum all over the fucking place. That shit would have been a wrap had he nutted inside of me. “Fuck! Damn, baby.”
I wanted to roll my eyes, but my heart was mush. He stood from the bed and went to the bathroom. Shortly after, he came back with a wet towel. When I stood, he pulled the bedding off and grabbed a blanket from the chaise in the corner of the room. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me to the bed with him and wrapped his arms around me.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, wishing this was something real. It wasn’t. He’d brought me to fantasy island, dropped my ass off, and by morning, he’d be back to reality. I couldn’t hang around for that shit. The minute he fell asleep, a light snore left him. I eased out of the bed and picked up his T-shirt from the nightstand then went to the front room to gather my shit.
Since he didn’t set the alarm, I put my pants on and walked out, locking the bottom lock before closing the door. When I sat in my driver’s seat, I looked at the beautiful two-story brick home, wishing I could have stayed. I cranked the engine and carried my ass home, knowing I probably wouldn’t be back if Joel remembered any of tonight’s events.
I woke up to my phone chiming. I was tired as fuck. It was damn near three in the morning when I got home from Joel’s house. Glancing at the clock on my nightstand, I saw it was only eight in the morning. I snatched my phone from the charging dock to see a message from my sister. We left the club at one, but she went home. I didn’t tell her I would be going to Joel’s house. Hell, I didn’t know I would be going to his house until I got in my car.
Hey, sis! Fawn, Amiko, Sandrene, and Chelsea invited us to brunch. It’s Fawn’s last day in town, and she wanted to kick it with us again.
I rolled my eyes and responded, Okay. What time?
I peeled myself from the sheets and stretched, knowing I would probably need a full face of makeup. Going to my bathroom, I started the shower and got towels. Before I could get in, I got another text. I assumed it was from Sasha, but when I looked at it, I couldn’t help but smirk. It was Joel. Girls is playas too. Damn, girl. You ain’t have to leave me feeling like a two-dolla ho.
I chuckled because I knew he probably wasn’t joking. I was actually surprised he even messaged me. Putting my phone back on the countertop, I got in the shower and cleaned up. My legs were sticky as hell. I wanted to take a shower when I got home, but all I was fit to do was sleep. Once I cleaned up, I moisturized my face and started on my makeup. There was no way I would have time to do something with my hair, so I got an orange head wrap from the cabinet.
I was going to wear my tight halter dress with my orange heels. I loved the way that dress hugged my curves. Being with Fawn, I knew it was possible that I could see Joel. I had to be looking as good as possible so he could see what he was missing out on. His ass had shown me how he really felt last night. He was in no capacity to fight what he was feeling.
Once I was done, I looked at my phone to see the guys would be there too. Their spouses, Law, Smoke, Jungle, and Jamel would be welcomed distractions. At least Sasha wouldn’t be boo’d up, leaving me the odd woman out. When she sent the name of the restaurant, I knew it would be fun. There would be a live band and dancing. I was ready as hell now.
I was too happy that I wasn’t hungover. Had I been, I would have stayed my ass in bed. After grabbing my purse, keys, and phone, I gave myself a once over in the mirror and smiled at myself. I looked good as fuck. Wearing halter dresses always brought an abundance of attention to my ass. Honestly, I liked the attention, especially from women who weren’t afraid to compliment another woman.
As I drove, my phone rang. It was only nine forty-five, so I wouldn’t be that late… maybe about fifteen minutes. When I saw Yunique’s name, I quickly hit the phone button on my steering wheel, “Hey, Yunique! How are you?”
“Hey! I’m good. How are you? You sound happy.”
“I am despite being tired as hell. I’m on my way to brunch with Sasha, the Pattersons, and their friends.”
“The Pattersons? As in… Jungle?”
“Yeah. Jungle and Fawn, their spouses, and a few of their friends.”
“Wow. So y’all have reconnected with the people that are responsible for getting Daddy killed, huh?”
“Come on, Yunique. Daddy was a grown ass man and knew the risks he was taking. Besides, they’ve been out of the drug trade for over two years now. They are starting a real estate company, and Jungle made Sasha a partner as a thank you for lending her expertise.”
“Hmph. Whatever. Have fun. I need to talk to you, though, when you have time.”
“About what?”
“I’m seeing a therapist now to help me deal with some things, and she suggested that I let y’all in on my life a little more. She said it would help our relationship.”
I frowned. “What do you mean help our relationship? We have problems?”