Page 16 of Gangsta
“Why you didn’t bring that dark chocolate Barbie doll with you?” Seneca asked as I fixed a plate.
I rolled my eyes. It had been a week, and I’d accompanied Jungle and Chelsea on their trip to Beaumont for the Berotte Sunday dinner. I came every now and then when I didn’t have shit to get into. My week had been long as fuck. I spent most of it in the gym or hanging around Jungle while he handled business.
I was around Sasha once, and it seemed like she was privy to what had happened between Keondra and me, just by the way she kept staring at me. I made sure to steer clear of her. Whenever we got close to one another, I was sure to find something to do that would get me away from her. Chelsea was watching me hard whenever she was around, and so was Amiko, with her nosy ass. I was more than sure she was reporting shit back to Fawn.
“Man, she ain’t my woman… just somebody I fucked.”
“Could have fooled me. She had yo’ ass ’bout to cause a fucking scene at brunch last weekend. I just knew we were gonna have to step in to break that shit up. You know Ali heard what you said though. He said you told that nigga she was yours.”
“I just said that shit to piss her off.”
He gave me the side-eye as I loaded my plate with potato salad. Mrs. Anissa knew she could make the fuck out of potato salad. Everybody loved it. I grabbed a plastic fork and napkin then went to find a seat. We were at Rondo’s place because there were so many of them. Everybody was here today. Since the Watchful Eyes crew was in Houston last weekend, the older folks had all gone out of town, leaving Alexz, Dylan, and Isaiah to fend for themselves.
“You know what I think?”
“Naw, but I’m sure you gon’ tell me,” I said, looking up to see Seneca had followed me.
“You done met yo’ fucking match. Just like you tryna be hard, she doing the same thing. She was looking depressed as hell after you left. What’s so hard about just letting shit be what it’s gon’ be? And before you talk about the streets or anything like that, I was in that shit too. I fucked random bitches all the time. Kaysyn was supposed to just be a fuck. You see where that shit landed me, huh?”
“Yep. Expressing your emotions like a sensitive ass nigga, doing shady ass shit to keep the family intact, and changing who the fuck you were to get her back. I’m not doing all that fucked up shit.”
He frowned at me. “I didn’t change who I was. Don’t let my sensitivity with her cloud yo’ fucking vision. I’ll still fuck a nigga up when need be. I learned to love her how she needed me to love her. I met my fucking match, too, and when I quit fighting it, I knew I wouldn’t make it in this life without her. So whatever she needed from me to assure she was making the right decision by being with me, she got it.”
“Whatever. I ain’t tryna talk about that shit. I haven’t talked to her since last Sunday.”
He nodded repeatedly while I shoved some rice and gravy into my mouth. It seemed like I couldn’t get away from talking about Keondra. I almost wanted to go sit next to Dylan so I could get some peace and quiet. That nigga was the quietest one out here. His kids were busy playing with the other kids, and Skylar was in the grass, stepping with Alexz. They both had on pink and green and were making that high-pitched noise they made.
I slowly shook my head and ate my food. While I enjoyed their step shows, those high-pitched noises made my fucking ears bleed. Ever since I’d gotten hit in the ear when I was boxing, that shit was sensitive to that, along with whistles. My eardrum was ruptured, and shit just wasn’t the same after that. Although the hole healed after two months or so, it was still sensitive to some shit.
Whenever I had to fire my weapon, that shit had my ears ringing. If I was on Watchful Eyes business, I always wore ear plugs. As if my ears weren’t already in a sensitive state, these niggas started their barking. Had I gone to college, I probably would have pledged the same. The Q’s were always interesting to me. There were times that I wished I would have had a normal life and thought that if my mama would have been in the picture, I probably would have.
My phone chimed, alerting me of a message, so I pulled it from my pocket to see it was Farrah, trying to hook up. I’d ruined her pussy a few nights ago. She didn’t let me get at her last Sunday, but by that Tuesday, I had her screaming while taking all these inches. She was literally bleeding afterwards. That caught me completely off guard. I supposed her pussy wasn’t ready for a rough ass nigga like me.
Apparently, she enjoyed it if she was messaging me. I texted her back. I’m in Beaumont, baby girl. I’ll be glad to come stretch that shit out when I get back though.
Before I could slide my phone back in my pocket, she texted back. Call me when you leave Beaumont.
Mr. Berotte sat next to me as I slid my phone in my pocket. He always stared at me. We’d never really had a conversation. I’d speak, and he would do the same. When Mrs. Anissa came and sat on his lap, I glanced at them. She caught me and smiled big. “Vegas, just because we don’t really talk, you still one of our babies. Just know I’m rooting for your well-being and overall success in life and love.”
I gave her a slight smile. “Thanks. I’m good on that love thing though. I admire what everyone here has, but I don’t believe it’s for me.”
I wanted to knock my own self out for saying that shit. She only nodded and patted my shoulder. I was thankful for that. I just knew she would try to dig deeper into why I felt that way. Seneca gave me a glance, but he didn’t say anything either.
“The food is good, Missus Anissa, as always.”
“Thank you, baby. Isaiah and Rondo cooked the meat this time. They did good. Alexz, Brittany, and I did the sides.”
“Well, everybody did good. I know this yo’ potato salad though.”
She chuckled, and her cheeks reddened a bit as Mr. Sheldon squeezed her a little tighter. “Yeah. My baby make the fuck out of that potato salad.”
He kissed her cheek, and she turned even redder. I chuckled. I’d never really heard him curse until now. It was obvious to me now why his kids had filthy mouths and were comfortable with it. I could see why Jungle fit in with everyone, and I was starting to feel like I was fitting in the more I came around.
When the screaming started, I already knew what was going on. Chad was running around with Alexz on his shoulder. I slowly shook my head as I watched them. When he stopped and put her down, she ran as far away from everyone as possible, and her husband ran behind her. Everyone stopped what they were doing to turn their attention to the Berotte princess. She was throwing up everywhere.
I frowned slightly as Mr. Berotte and Chad ran to them. She rinsed her mouth out with water then Chad picked her up, cradling her to him as she laid her head on his shoulder. When they got back close to everyone, her husband Axton said, “She should have said something earlier. We found out last night that she’s pregnant.”
Everyone eased up and applauded them. It felt like everyone was holding their breaths. Shit. Now there were four fucking women pregnant around here. It was only their second one, so I would let them make it. Shy interrupted everyone’s applause. “Hol’ on! Alexz, I thought you said you were only having one?”