Page 24 of Gangsta
I frowned at him. “Nigga, I ain’t finna be here that long. Since you wanna shoot the club up all the fucking time, you can handle it.”
He shot me the finger as baby girl got cranked up. I gave him a slight smile then said, “And that’s my cue to get the fuck outta here.”
“Nigga, that’s cold. Just kick a brother while he down.”
I stood like I was about to leave then went to him and took Zuri from him. I laid her on my chest and patted her bottom as I had seen Chelsea do on so many occasions. When Zuri stopped whining, Jungle lifted his eyebrows. “Na, say something, nigga.”
“Oh, you gon’ be babysitting her too then.”
“Like hell.”
I kissed her on her head and went to the recliner to rock her while Zamir was in there having a fit over the chicken he dropped on the floor. I didn’t know about being a dad. This shit was stressful as hell. This was the last thing I thought I would be doing as Jungle’s righthand, but I supposed I’d better get used to it.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I was so worried about you, especially after I didn’t hear from you yesterday.”
“I’m okay, Sasha. I worked nearly all day yesterday. Sunday, I had company. I uhhh… I have a boyfriend now.”
“I know you fucking lying! Who?”
“Joel? Who the fuck is… oh shit! Vegas?”
“Yeah. He asked if we could try this relationship thing, and I said yeah.”
“Well, shut the fuck up! I’m happy for you though. How has it been for the past two days?”
“Tiring as fuck. He always wants to fuck. It’s like he can’t get enough. I lowkey like that shit though. I’ll be damn if I’m gon’ turn him down too many times. I can’t have him going to get the shit elsewhere.”
“First of all, I ain’t never known you to turn down shit.”
“We fucked five times Sunday. Five fucking rounds after I got home. He came over last night, and we went two rounds. He’s on his way over now. Girl, I’m exhausted.”
She giggled. “Shit, I have no sympathy for your ass. I haven’t had sex in over a year.”
“Oh, ain’t no fucking way. I can’t go a month without dick, let alone a year.”
She laughed. “Obviously, if you fucked a stranger in Puerto Rico two years ago. That’s crazy how connected we are and had no clue who he was.”
I’d told her that Joshua was his dad. She barely remembered him, but she had vague memories of him coming to our house. “I don’t discriminate. I go with my gut. My gut said that chocolate King Triton was gon’ turn my ass out. It was right.”
“Bitch! Chocolate King Triton?”
She hollered with laughter as my doorbell rang. I bit my bottom lip, and my pussy had the audacity to drool. “My man is here, girl. I’ll call you tomorrow. I only have to go to class tomorrow evening, so I’ll get to sleep in.”
“Bye, heifer.”
She ended the call amidst my laughter as I headed to the door. I’d spent most of my day in the studio, trying my hand at audiobook narration. I wanted to record a clip of a book and send it to the author to see what they thought. The independent author community was large, and I wanted to tap in. Hopefully, I could get someone to bite. I’d tried my hand at three different books I’d read last year and enjoyed.
When I opened the door, Joel was standing there with food. I didn’t know how he knew I hadn’t eaten yet, but God, was I grateful. He smiled as I stepped aside to let him in. “Hey, Joel.”
“What’s up, baby? How was your day?”
He kissed my lips then went to the kitchen with food from Esther’s Cajun Café & Soul Food. I was too excited. I loved their food. After closing the door, I made my way to him as he unloaded pork chops, cabbage, yams, black eyed peas, and mac and cheese. I wanted to do a happy dance when I saw the banana pudding.