Page 39 of Gangsta
“Can we do next week? I’ll get with Vegas to see if he can sit in on it.”
“Okay. Will next Monday the same time work?”
“Yes, ma’am. See you then.”
She smiled and said, “See you then. Have a great week.”
“You too.”
I ended the call and sat back in my chair. After taking a deep breath, I left the bedroom to go find Joel. I never used his real name when speaking to other people. He would much rather be known as Vegas than Joel to people he didn’t know. We’d gone to Beaumont yesterday, and the guys seemed to know something about what happened between us. They all had given him a head nod and a smile when we got there.
We didn’t leave until nearly seven, so he insisted I stayed with him. I was pretty sure he was going to want me to move in with him once my lease was up, and surprisingly, I wouldn’t even have a problem with that. I followed the sound of the music to find him in a room that looked like an office. When I saw Jungle sitting next to him, I kept going to the kitchen.
Last week, he’d pretty much stayed hidden from sight, waiting for the hoopla to die down. If he had to leave, he drove his big body old school instead. He constantly called it his slab. As I got a bottle of water from the fridge, Joel yelled, “Kee! You on the radio, girl!”
I chuckled. I was always on the radio, but since most people I knew didn’t typically listen to the radio, they never heard a commercial I’d done. I went back to the room, and he and Jungle were facing the doorway. I smiled big as they continued to listen. When the commercial was done, he said, “Even wit’chu sounding like a white woman, I knew it was you. That was how you sounded at first in Puerto Rico. That was good though.”
I chuckled. “Whatever. Thank you.”
I was about to walk away, but he stopped me. “Come here, baby.”
I did as he requested, and once I was within his reach, he pulled me to his lap and kissed my lips. That made me smile so big. Jungle smiled too. “Hey, Jungle.”
“What it do, baby girl?”
It was the same shit every time he spoke. I swore I was talking to one of the Houston rappers. Joel spoke Houston slang too, but not nearly as often as Jungle did. “I’m good. How’s Chelsea and Fawn?”
“Chelsea is good, and Fawn is Fawn,” he said, rolling his eyes.
I couldn’t help but laugh until the doorbell rang. I frowned slightly. No one ever popped up over here, except Jungle. I stood from Joel’s lap as he made his way to the door. Jungle followed him out, so I stood in the doorway to watch them. When he opened the door, I heard someone say, “What’s up, nigga?”
They slapped hands, and when the man came in, I saw it was Amiko’s husband, Smoke. However, what caught my attention was the little puppy sliding all over the floor with a bow wrapped around him. “Vegas!” I yelled as I ran to it, immediately scooping it up, holding it in my arms.
I was so happy I let that fucking dog lick me all over my face. “You got me a puppy!”
The three of them laughed at my excitement. I went to the couch with it and held it tightly, thinking about my daddy. I noticed the puppy was a boy, so it was easy to name him. Yonkers. When Joel sat next to me, I was hugging my dog. I didn’t even realize when Smoke and Jungle left. I looked up at him with a big smile on my face. “Thank you so much, baby. He’s so cute. What breed is he?”
I frowned, trying to think if I’d heard of it before. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that. Suma?”
“Mm hmm. He’s suma this, suma that.”
I fell out laughing, scaring the poor puppy. He chuckled. “A guy Smoke knows was trying to get rid of some puppies. The mother is a Yorkie. That’s all he knows. He said she was being hot in the ass.”
I laughed again as I shook my head. “He’s perfect.”
“You know what you will call him? I think I have an idea.”
I smiled up at him as I nodded. “Yonkers.”
He nodded repeatedly. “Just what I thought.”
He kissed my head then pulled me in his arms as I loved on my puppy. “Is he already trained?”
“Yeah. I bought a kennel and everything while you were in your session.”
“Thank you. Would you like to sit in my next session? She wants to meet the man that has helped me through my trauma.”