Page 59 of Gangsta
Everyone started applauding, and when Kee turned around, I was down on one knee. I could feel my face heating up with emotion as she allowed tears to fall down her face. I knew she wanted this to be done in front of everyone. No matter how uncomfortable I was about this shit, I would make it through it.
As everyone quieted down, I lowered my head for a moment. When I looked back up at her, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to reel my emotions in. “I know this is quick, but tomorrow ain’t promised to nobody, especially a nigga like me. I ain’t never been so sure about nobody in my life. I was always looking over my shoulder and trying to figure out if people I knew and loved had a hidden agenda. Your presence in my life sparked a change in me. The crazy part is that it seemed it happened so effortlessly.”
I reached and grabbed her hand, being sure to be gentle, since it was the arm I’d fucked up. I slowly shook my head. “I don’t even know why you chose me to love, because I was a whole jackass.”
“Hell yeah,” Fawn said.
I rolled my eyes as everybody laughed. Giving my attention back to my baby, I saw the tears were still falling, but she had a beautiful smile on her face. “I already told you there was no need in me asking you to marry me, because we’ve already discussed that we wanted to do this. However, for the sake of company, I will. I love you so much, Kee. You make me better as a man. I can be a better son, friend, brother, uncle, and lover. That’s just how much your presence in my life rocks me, baby. Please tell me you’ll do me the honor of being Missus Vegas Knight.”
She chuckled. “I love you too, baby. Honestly, I’ll be whoever you need me to be, because I trust you with my heart. I know my best interest is a priority for you. Yes. I’ll be your gangsta, my nigga.”
I laughed as Fawn hollered. Here I was, trying to be all dignified and shit, and she decided to show her true colors in front of everybody. “Yaaaassss, sis!” Fawn yelled as everyone else applauded.
I slid the platinum beauty on her finger then put on my shades to stare at it. Everyone laughed loudly as I stood to my feet and kissed my beautiful fiancée. This was a moment I never thought would come for me, but God obviously had other plans. Pulling Kee into my arms I kissed her forehead, nose, then her lips.
She put her hands to my cheeks. “Thank you for always considering my needs, wants, and desires. I know this was hard for you, but you did it to make me happy. You could have slid this on my finger in my sleep, and I still would have been just as excited. But this… it’s special. It’s a moment I will never forget. You got Fawn to come from Atlanta and your mom from Florida. Super special.”
“Shiiid, Fawn said she had to be here to see this shit in order to believe it.”
We laughed as everyone approached us to offer their love and congratulations. Jungle was first, as he should have been. He pulled me in his arms. “I’m so proud of you, man. If only Ice, Elaine, and Joshua could see us now. We’ve become good men that know how to love and respect one woman. Congratulations, nigga.”
I nodded repeatedly then kissed his cheek, causing him to jump back and punch me on the arm. He wiped his cheek hard as I said, “I promised you that shit, Cam Newton.”
“Yeah. Yo’ ass done got softer than me. Let me get out the way so everybody else can congratulate y’all. Oh, and you might wanna come get that damn dog first thing in the morning. Zamir giving his ass hell.”
I chuckled as Keondra gave him the side-eye. “I will fight a kid behind Yonkers. Don’t play, Jungle.”
He laughed and hugged her as I grabbed her hand. The restaurant cranked up the music I requested, “Wanna Love You” by H3rizon. Kee loved that song. She turned to me and kissed my lips. “I’m glad you wanna do right by me and give me something different,” she said, quoting the lyrics of the song.
I released her, and she continued to give hugs and kisses as I shook hands and gave hugs too. This moment was pure joy, love, and family. I nodded repeatedly, accepting that my life had taken a journey I wasn’t prepared for but adjusted to. This would be my new normal.
“She’s so beautiful, Alexz. Y’all are gon’ drive Axton crazy in that house.”
“Girl, I doubt it. The older Ariana gets, the more like him she is. Now this little diva is gonna be all Mommy,” she said, then cooed at Adalyn.
There were so many babies around here. I was happy that our daughter would have a huge family to call her own. Joel and I had a baby girl a month ago. We named her Brielle. Only a month or two after he proposed, I found out I was pregnant. I had a relatively easy pregnancy with only aches and pains here and there. Even her delivery was easy. Joel had said that was because of my childbearing hips.
I could only roll my eyes at his foolishness. However, Arrow had laughed and said the same about Lynn. He was a whole ass doctor and had encouraged the foolishness. They’d had a little boy. Chelsea had also had a boy, and Jungle said he was putting himself on restriction. His oldest hadn’t turned three yet. Chelsea had to be worn out. They had three in diapers. I helped her when I could, but now that Brielle was here, I didn’t know how she and Manman were making it.
Whitney wasn’t as blessed. She was on bedrest for probably the last month of her pregnancy. She had an abundance of help from all the women around Beaumont. Dinalee and Rondo were now married, and the wedding was beyond beautiful. Her family had come from Puerto Rico, and that was when I learned that she and Ali were cousins.
“Baby,” Joel said, approaching me with a screaming Brielle. “I think she’s hungry. You got a bottle already made?”
I reached down into her bag and pulled out a four-ounce bottle. He leaned over and kissed my head as he took it from me and walked away. Joel had been perfect. We argued at times, but what couple didn’t? That little girl was his heart though. I barely got a chance to hold her. Since he didn’t work, he always had her.
I’d chosen to keep at my career path, and it paid off. I’d done several audiobooks for authors like Iesha Bree, Kimberly Brown, Latisha, Mya, Kay Shanee, C. Monet, K. Larry, and so many others. My name was making it around the independent world as an amazing black narrator that could engage a hood voice when necessary. My male voice wasn’t bad either.
I was still doing voice overs for commercials as well and had even made an appearance in one. Joel had gassed me up about that shit too. My mother and sisters were my biggest cheerleaders too. I surely couldn’t forget about Fawn. Whenever she came to town, I was sure to have a ratchet good time with her, Amiko, Sandrene, and Chelsea. I had a sisterhood that couldn’t be fucked with. I spent time with Lynn, too, when I could since she and Arrow lived in Houston.
However, between Fawn and Alexz, I didn’t know which one I was most like. I supposed since Fawn was older, I would go with her. Alexz was a year or so younger than me. She kept things lively around here, that was for sure.