Page 35 of Risking it All
“I’ve never tried it before, but I’m willing to give nearly anything a shot. My balance isn’t the best so we’ll see how good I am.”
I snorted, nudging his side teasingly. “You say that as if I won’t be spending almost the entire time on my face.”
His lips quirked, and he shifted to kiss my cheek. “I’ll just have to be vigilant then. I like your nose, and it’d be a shame if it got smashed by ice.”
Immediately the mental image of one of the cat or dog breeds with similar faces hit, and I snorted. When he raised a brow, I explained. “I’d prefer not to look like a pug, so I agree.”
I could practically see the thought loading before he grimaced, amusement hidden just under the surface.
“I happen to like you human, so I agree. That being said, should we plan the date before or after we tell your parents?”
That was another excellent question. The impatient part of me wanted to go out on the date first. I’d fantasized about this for years and now that it was finally here, I didn’t want to wait anymore.
But the logical part hesitated.
Mom and Dad would probably be a lot more accepting of this if we told them upfront before the rumor mill had a chance to stick their noses in it.
They’d probably still be wary of William, but hopefully less so since we were obviously not hiding anything.
I weighed my options before eventually sighing. “We should talk to them first.”
As much as I’d love to just give in to my own impatience, I knew this would make things easier for us later down the line.
William nodded, dipping to press a kiss to my head. “Alright, I’ll leave setting a day up to you then. In the meantime, do you want to watch something?”
I hummed, curling into him and eyeing the television with boredom. “Sure, but I have no preferences. Put on whatever you want.”
As long as he stayed still enough for me to cuddle, I didn’t particularly care. If the quirk to his lips was any indication, I’d say he read the thought from my face.
He didn’t comment though, only tightening his hold and focusing on what he’d be putting on to watch.
Chapter 12
Hours passed like minutes, and then, in what felt like a blink, a knock sounded throughout the house. Fig eyed it warily, clearly remembering the last person who’d ‘visited’ even though that guy didn’t knock.
I stroked between his ears, soothing. “It’s alright.”
William nodded, pausing long enough to pet Fig. “Good dog, but I’ve got this.”
When he got to the door, his voice carried down the hallway.
“I was wondering when you’d show up.”
The last person I expected to hear was Devin. “I figured I’d give you two some time. You may be like a brother to me, but that doesn’t mean I want to walk in on something.”
Heat scalded my cheeks, and I groaned internally. Now he had even more teasing material. When Fig heard Devin, he lost all wariness and shot off toward the door, a muffled grunt coming not a minute later.
“Good to see that you’re feeling okay.”
A few seconds later Will and Devin walked in with Fig bringing up the rear. Devin sat next to me–momentarily making me happy we’d thought to get dressed–and looked me over.
“How are you doing, Bea?” He asked and I shrugged, stretching.
“I’m alright. A bit sore from the bruises, but nothing I can’t handle.”
He relaxed a hair as Will took the seat on my other side. “Good, sorry it took so long to stop by. I installed one of those sliding bolt locks on our door so today won’t happen again. When you’re home alone please remember to use it.”
He leveled a hard look my way, and I raised my hands in surrender. “Alright, no need to pull out the scary glare.”