Page 40 of Risking it All
She did not like that.
Her smile turned hard at the edges and her eyes flashed, one of her hands lashing out in a blink to knock over the nearest equipment. I bit back the urge to curse her out and instead looked over the mess she’d caused with a bored expression.
“Congratulations, you’ll be paying for that, and because you’re oh so rich, I’ll be sure to pick a nice brand name replacement.”
It was the least she could do, considering how much she was holding up my day.
She laughed, the sound grating on my ears. “That’s funny. I won’t be doing that. Not one dime of my family’s money will be spent on you or your little hole-in-the-wall establishment.”
Then a glint came to her eyes that I knew all too well. I’d seen it dozens of times on the bullies that used to chase me around the schoolyard. She swiped her hand out again, her nails scratching my cheek, and I let her.
There were cameras on every corner of this clinic and I smiled, knowing she’d just trapped herself.
She faltered at my smile, the sight giving me immense satisfaction as I said in my most patronizing tone. “Now I can have you arrested for destruction of property and assault. Thanks, I’ll call the sheriff now.”
I pulled out my phone, dialing Neal while hoping he wasn’t in the middle of something important. Her jaw opened, all but touching the floor as she sputtered.
“You can’t do that, my daddy will-.”
“I don’t care. I won’t be harassed in my own clinic, and people like you need a reality check. Just because you have money doesn’t mean you can say or do whatever you want. Your dear old daddy will bail you out of jail, but you’ll still have to spend a few hours–at least–stuck in a small cell with a bucket to pee in. Besides, I doubt he’ll be too pleased with you when he has to pay to get you out and to replace my equipment.”
I shot her a poisonous smile. “If you’ll excuse me.” I only managed to walk a few steps away before I felt the shift to the air.
I’d expected her to retaliate and I grinned, loving it when people did exactly what I wanted. That little slap probably wouldn’t have been enough to actually get her for physical assault, but the cameras were still going.
This would be more than enough.
I let her clawed fingers wrap around my arm to jerk me back, but before she could hit me again, I dodged, shifted to the side, and slammed my elbow into her nose.
The sickening crack that rang out sent bone-deep satisfaction through me, and I finished dialing while staring down at her new position huddled on the floor.
Thankfully the sheriff picked up quickly, and I sighed.
“Hey Neal, I’m sorry to bother you, but I have a bit of a problem at my clinic. Apparently one of Will’s old conquests took issue with him dating me and decided to destroy some of my property before attacking me. Could you possibly come pick her up?”
Her face scrunched and she snarled, blood and tears making a mess of her face. “If he touches me I’ll sue the entire department for sexual harassment.”
I hummed down at her. “Duly noted, Neal, you might want to send female officers. She’s already planning on suing you if you touch her.”
She hissed, and I ignored it as he grunted.
“I’ll send a few officers your way. If she leaves now she’s fleeing the scene of a crime, so tell her it’s in her best interest to stay put. Sorry you have to deal with this, Beatrice.”
He wasn’t the first person to say that over the past week, and something told me he wouldn’t be the last either. I’d been getting everything from incredulous to pitying glances since Will and I went public with our relationship.
It was beyond irritating, and I was done with it.
“It's nothing for you to apologize for.”
Now if I could just make William see that too. He’d been mortified by the sheer amount of women harassing me lately and it had taken me a portion of the day yesterday to calm him down.
Hopefully he didn’t hear about this.
Putting my phone away, I stared down at the sniveling woman with a scoff. “A few officers are on their way, and the sheriff heavily advises not leaving since this is now the scene of a crime. You’ll just get an additional charge.”
She finally sat up, glaring at me as if this was my fault instead of the cause of her own actions. “They won’t be able to hold me. My daddy is rich.”
I shrugged, leaning on the counter now. “I know. I’m satisfied with the thought of you being in jail and having to pee in a bucket, though. It won’t stick for long, but you’ll be miserable until you’re out. That’s enough for me.”