Page 54 of Risking it All
Yeah, I really couldn’t argue with him there…
This time when I put my hand on his arm he didn’t shrug it off, a small step, but at least it was one in the right direction.
“If it helps any Mom seems on board with everything. If nothing else she helped me back Dad off. As for Dad-.” I grimaced. “That’s going to take some time. You know how protective he is and…”
I trailed off, and he picked up where I left off with a grunt.
“He thinks I’m going to hurt you.”
I shrugged, “Basically. He’d probably worry about that with any other guy I dated as well, if that helps.”
He shook his head. “My history with sleeping around isn’t helping either though.”
I lifted my hand in a so-so motion. “Actually, he doesn’t care so much about the sleeping around itself. At least he hasn’t made it known if he minds. What he’s worried about is you just…leaving. He knows that if we get deeper into this and you can’t take being in a relationship, it’s going to hurt me.”
To a certain degree I was concerned about the same. Before yesterday I’d mostly had the fears beaten down, but now they were back and stronger.
Yes I’d gotten him to eventually talk about what was bothering him, but it’d taken damn near pulling his teeth to get it out of him. I shouldn’t have to fight that hard for communication. The relationship wouldn’t last if that kept up.
William swallowed hard, then tipped his head back to stare up at the sky. “Do you think I will?” He asked and I hesitated.
Honesty was vital in any relationship, and I couldn’t hide things from him. No matter how much I wanted to.
I chose my words carefully in the hopes of not stumbling unnecessarily. “Yesterday, I could have said with confidence that you wouldn’t. Today is a bit less stable.”
Okay, it was a lot shakier, but I didn’t need to go that far into it.
He frowned, his expression twisting into one of conflict. “I’m not going to run, not like that.”
Considering the past twenty four hours, I had some difficulty believing that.
Apparently the thought was clear on my face because he grimaced. “Yeah, the last day hasn’t been my best example of that, has it?” Finally he pushed off the side of the car and stood in front of me.
“I wasn’t scared about the idea of having a lasting relationship with you, I just didn’t really ever plan on having kids or getting married, so having the topics shoved at me like that was…jarring.”
He bit his lip, uncertainty clear. “Your Dad said you’ve always wanted kids, though.”
I sighed, looking at a point over his shoulder as I answered. “I did, and to a certain point, I still do, but if you’re dead set against it then that’s all I need to know. Devin wants a big family too, so if you never want children, then I’ll just have to kidnap his periodically.”
His lips quirked at that. “You think he’ll mind?”
I raised a brow. “After the first few months of having no time for him and his future lady love, you think he’ll pass up the chance for adult time?”
He tipped his head, considering that, then he nodded. “Fair enough.” The tension from earlier finally eased out of his shoulders and he asked. “What about marriage and all the other stuff?”
I shrugged, “I don’t know. I’ve never really had any plans in that regard. My clinic has kept me busy, like I told Dad, and I never saw the use in spending an insane amount of money on a ceremony. I've never been the type of girl that’s always fantasized about my wedding.”
It’d made me decidedly less than popular among girls my age growing up, but the giant white wedding had never appealed to me.
Will hummed, the hard edge to his eyes finally leaving. “So now that we’ve had this intensely uncomfortable dinner, do you want to put on a movie and cuddle?”
Without hesitation, I blurted. “Dear Lord, yes.”
He laughed, his hand curling around mine again as he led the way inside. “Good, because I’m exhausted after having your Dad boring holes into my head for hours, and I want to snuggle up to you and sleep.”
I let him tug me inside, Fig energetically greeting us at the door. It didn’t take long to set up our little blanket nest and pick a movie.
Having Will wrapped around me again soothed the lingering dregs of doubt still swimming through my veins. It’d take some time to get rid of it completely, but for now, things were okay.