Page 56 of Risking it All
But no, she turned and walked to the entryway where her keys hung, not once glancing back at me.
When she grabbed them and her shoes, I asked. “Where are you going?”
She didn’t have work today, and I thought the plan was to spend the day together.
Her hand hovered over the doorknob, the tension to the air shifting as she weighed how to respond. After a long minute, she spoke over her shoulder.
“Out. I have a few errands to do, and I need to talk to someone.”
That sounded ominous…
“Can I ask who you’re talking to, or is that bad?” I didn’t mean for my tone to come out sharp like that, but it was too late now. Something about this whole situation felt off, the hair on my neck standing to attention as if warning me about some kind of threat, and I hated it.
Whatever was going down, it had to do with Bea and walking in blind was going to drive me crazy.
She shot me a look, one I didn’t have a name for. “I’m calling Kimberley. I need a second opinion on something, and I’m sure Alice doesn’t want to hear about her brother.” Then, before I could ask what the hell was going on, she left.
I stared at the empty doorway for a beat, not sure what just happened but definitely sure something had.
Devin’s sigh broke me out of it and I turned, taking in his position leaning against the wall nearby.
His look I knew all too well. Wariness.
Fighting back the irritation biting low in my veins, I snapped. “What’s wrong this time? I didn’t even say anything!”
Well, not much at least. What could I have said that made her change our plans to go and talk to Kimberley?
Mentally going back over the short conversation, I scowled when nothing jumped out. The odds of it being unrelated were nearly zero, but what was I missing?!
Devin stared at me for a bit longer, then pushed off the wall with a grunt. “Usually I’d say you have to figure it out because it’s not my place, but honestly? I’m tired of watching you fumble this. So, sit down, and let’s get this mess cleared up.”
I took the spot he gestured to on the couch, Fig ambling over to plop his head in my lap. I petted him absentmindedly, watching Devin as he sat opposite to me.
Once we were both settled, he crossed his arms and jumped right in.
“Your refusal to talk about things is going to fuck over your relationship.”
Well, never let it be said he wasn’t blunt. Though that still didn’t make any sense.
Sitting forward, I frowned and rebutted. “I have been talking though! I sure as hell didn’t want to last night, but we did.”
It’d felt like I was a frog strapped to an exam table with all my innards on display. I never wanted to do that again.
Devin’s face stayed in its impassive mask as he shook his head. “No, you talked when she cornered you and made it an issue. You flat-out refused otherwise. If you’d sat down with her and gone over that whole mess before the dinner, then it might not have been as bad.”
This was starting to feel a lot like an intervention.
Straightening, I glared at him. It bounced off that stone wall expression of his coming back in force, so instead I argued.
“Am I not allowed to need time to myself?”
He shook his head, looking a lot older than he actually was. “You are, but you didn’t plan on talking to her after you figured it out, did you?”
I frowned, not sure where this was going. “No, and why should I? Once I had it in hand there was no point in rehashing it.”
Devin looked somewhere between fondly exasperated and downright irritated.
“Will, do you really think Bea is going to tolerate you constantly hiding whenever something goes wrong and then acting as if the problem didn’t exist in the first place when you’re back together?”