Page 26 of Killer Sins
Ignoring her uncertain look, he hefted the two huge suitcases. “The mission’ll be over before you know it. I promise.”
Eyes wide, she searched his face.
He tried to radiate confidence and reassurance.
Finally she nodded, squaring her slender shoulders. “I’m going to hold you to that.”
“Noted.” He grunted, heading for the brass-accented lobby and leaving the silly metal carryon for Tenaya.
As they swept into the lobby, Tai noted the keypad entry system and cameras monitoring the street outside. Reasonable security for an upscale condo complex. Still, nowhere near enough to keep out a determined psycho.
He shook off a shiver, nerves and anger tangling in his gut. Anger at the monster who had Tenaya living in fear. Anger at himself for caring more than he should about the feisty lawyer’s welfare.
Mostly anger at the necessity of this farce. The thought of pretending intimacy with Tenaya left him unsettled in ways he refused to examine. What he wouldn’t give for a simple smash-and-grab operation, or no, how about a nice, old-fashioned extraordinary rendition? He couldn’t remember the last time they’d kidnapped someone. At this point, shooting their way out of an ambush even sounded good.
With a nod to the lobby attendant behind the marble-faced reception counter, Tenaya headed for the bank of elevators beyond. She squeezed the handle of his luggage tightly enough to blanch her knuckles.
Sympathy stirred, despite Tai’s misgivings. However reluctantly she’d come to them for help, she had to be terrified. He gentled his tone. “We’ve run ops way more dangerous than this. No way this wacko gets anywhere near you.”
She shot Tai a wobbly smile. “I know. I just...” She trailed off, dropping her gaze.
Tai’s chest tightened. An unexpected protectiveness rose in him. No matter their differences, he would defend this woman to his last breath.
The immaculate elevator whooshed them silently to the sixth floor.
“Hallway is clear,” Paige told him as the car glided to a stop.
The doors opened with a soft tone, but instead of heading out into the hallway, Tenaya froze.
Tai wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, nuzzling her ear. “Just follow my lead,” he murmured.
She nodded, leaning into him. Despite the circumstances, holding her slim curves against him sparked an ill-timed flare of heat. Tai clenched his jaw. Now was so not the moment.
They headed down the corridor, Tenaya picking up speed with each step. “I’m at the end of the hall,” she said over her shoulder.
They’d almost made it when the door to the condo before hers swung open. A forty-something woman in sweatpants poked her head out. “Hey, Tenaya, you’re back!”
Tenaya managed a wobbly smile. “Hi, Silvia. Yes, I am. I-I mean, we are.”
The woman eyed Tai, then Tenaya, her expression dark. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Yes.” Tenaya stumbled unconvincingly over the words.
Thinking fast, Tai set the suitcases down and pushed in front of Tenaya, offering a hand to the neighbor. “I’m Tai Riego.” He shook the woman’s hand. “Tenaya’s husband.”
The neighbor pressed her hands to her chest. “What?” Mouth hanging open, she blinked at Tenaya. “Get out! You’re married? Since when?”
“Yesterday.” Her movements jerky, Tenaya held up her left hand. “We just decided to go for it.”
“Wow!” the woman exclaimed.
From the frozen smile, Tai couldn’t tell whether Tenaya’s neighbor thought that was a good thing or not.
With a determined look, the woman pushed Tai aside, locking eyes with Tenaya. “He’s not…”
“No! Not a stalker.” Tenaya assured the woman quickly. “Tai and I have known each other a while. Sometimes sparks just…happen.”
“No kidding.” Clearly relieved, the woman eyed him up and down as if he were the centerpiece of a candy display, her expression smug. She patted his arm. “I always knew Tenaya would land a hottie.”