Page 73 of Killer Sins
Tenaya cried out, legs buckling as the bullet tore through flesh. Tai lunged, catching her slight weight before she could hit the concrete floor.
Agony twisted her delicate features, dark eyes clouded with pain. Tai’s heart stuttered, breath frozen in his lungs.
In the chaos, two more shots rang out. Tai glimpsed Jarrod collapsing before Graham charged past, gun in hand.
Cursing under his breath, Tai eased Tenaya down, frantically pressing his hands over the wound. Blood, so much blood. The world receded, everything fading but the precious woman bleeding out beneath his palms.
Around him, Bridger freed Megan and Graham barked orders for emergency support. But Tai was oblivious, focused only on Tenaya.
She remained limp in his arms, breath coming in faint wisps.
“Please hang on,” he begged hoarsely. I love you, he thought desperately. But the words lodged in his throat, too momentous to voice.
With a monumental effort, her lashes fluttered open, eyes looking up at him dazedly before slipping closed again.
“No!” Tai rasped, clutching her tighter. She had to pull through. Bowing his head, he prayed with everything in him that she would stay with him. He couldn’t fathom losing her now. Not when they were just beginning.
Tenaya drifted slowly up from heavy darkness, thoughts sluggish. Disjointed images and sensations filtered through the medicinal haze enveloping her: blinding pain, acrid panic, strong arms carrying her, urgent voices. Now, though, she felt curiously detached, as if she were floating.
She pried her gritty eyes open, wincing against the bright light. Where was she? What had happened?
Gradually the chaotic events came back to her. The hangar. Jarrod, wild-eyed and furious. The pistol bucking in his hand. Taking the bullet meant for Tai.
She struggled upright, flailing against the tubes tangled around her.
“Whoa, take it easy.” Strong hands grasped her shoulders. She looked up into Tai’s concerned face beside the bed, her father hovering behind him, looking equally worn.
Relief flooded through her so hard, she had to close her eyes against the current.
Tai squeezed her fingers gently. “You’re okay. The bullet didn’t hit anything vital. Surgery went great.”
Tenaya opened her eyes again.
Her father nodded, eyes crinkling with relieved humor. “Just an impressive new scar, thanks to your heroics.”
“What about the others?”
“All good.” Her father responded quickly. “You’re the only casualty.”
Her team had come through unscathed. That was all that mattered.
Tai touched her cheek tenderly, smile not quite reaching his shadowed eyes. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
His raw words yanked her fully alert. Tai was afraid for her. Because he cared deeply. The revelation stunned her speechless.
She fiddled with the thin hospital blanket, thoughts churning. “How’s Megan? Is she okay after...” She couldn’t bring herself to finish the sentence.
Tai tucked a stray curl behind her ear. “She’s pretty shaken up, but physically fine. Tough as nails, that one.”
Tenaya exhaled in relief. Dear brave Megan. She couldn’t wait to see her friend and apologize for the trauma.
She hesitated before voicing her next question. “And Jarrod?” Though she was grateful no one on the team had been killed, Jarrod’s fate gnawed at her.
“He’ll live.” Tai’s expression hardened. “He took two in the shoulder. The creep should be thankful for your dad’s excellent aim.”