Page 4 of Snake
I shake my head at her, so she knows to fuck off as I take another swig of my drink, making her scowl before walking away to a customer who's eyeing her tits that are exposed apart from the nipples, knowing I won't budge, her bright pink hair swishing with each movement. The dye is starting to grow out, and her bright ginger hair pokes through the roots, making her look ridiculous.
I sigh before taking another sip; my dad comes to mind. I really fucked up, and honestly, I don't know how in the fuck we can get over this shit. I've lost faith in my club, my honor, and my fucking self. I tried to hand in my patch and presidency, but the brothers wouldn't hear of it. I drop my head a little, feeling fucked off before a few bodies sit near me at the bar as the music changes around me in the dark room. Someone sits on my left and two on my right, making me look up to see my dad, Smokey, and Bullet, Hairy's dad.
Fucking Hairy.
I shake my head again and look down, angry that they figured I'd come to hide away here instead of at the club's bar, where I usually work. Devil's Rose was named after Rosie, Smokey's Momma, and my mother, Annie Rose. We both now run it, taking it over from our fathers.
The men sighed, seeing my defeated look; even Lolly, one of our dancers who's swinging around the pole in nothing but a tiny G-string, could perk me up.
Bullet speaks before my father can: "You didn't know Snake; known of us did. You grew up with him, and fuck, he was my son, and I let the ball drop. If you want anyone to blame for him going against us, against the club, then blame me; I'm his blood."
I shake my head again, knowing how much this must be killing him, but Hairy had his mother's blood running through his veins. "It's not your fault, Bullet. He listened to his crazy mother and believed every word she spewed because she wanted the president's patch."
He hums, "Even so, it's not your fault either. Remember that this started while your dad and I were in charge. None of us saw this coming."
I sigh. I still blame myself. My best friend, a guy I was brought up with, went rogue and tried to start a coop to take over my club—a club my father handed down to me six years ago. His mother was obsessed with my father; we had never seen it. She slipped him too much of the date rape drug when I was fifteen and tried to rape him, knowing he'd never stray from my mother. Thankfully, she'd used too much, and he couldn't get hard, but she was still delusional enough to think she was pregnant and ended up buying tests.
Bullet cannot have children anymore; he had both his testicles removed a few years after Hairy was born when the doctors found a few lumps. He'd found the tests and kicked off. At the time, Bones, a brother from the Untamed Hell Fire's MC with whom we were allies, was around our clubhouse. When Hairy's mother, Crystal, was confronted in front of everyone, she blamed him. Still, Bones was obsessed with his old lady, who turned into a bitch against his daughter Star after he disappeared—well, not disappeared. Hairy had taken him after running him and Star off the road as revenge for his mother, shooting at them. He believed his mother's lies after Bullet slit her throat for trying to cheat, and Star is lucky to be alive. She was just a kid then, and his plan was to take Star as revenge, but her father wouldn't allow it. He attacked Hairy, only for Hairy to take him instead, leaving Star to die in the middle of the road, a mile from the crash site. Bullet had known Bones never touched his old lady, but Hairy believed her and started a war between our clubs. He held Bones hostage for eleven years. Star had taken that long to finally find him. With our help and Axel's, the president of the Untamed Hell Fire's MC, we saved him, but not before Hairy shot Flame, Star's man, in the process. Thankfully, he'd survived, and by the sounds of things, he got his girl back after majorly fucking up, pushing her away by any means possible so she didn't have to live this life despite it being in her blood.
Axel took Hairy back to his club and dished out their punishments before killing him in their way, deserving it for their club after learning the fucker had anally raped Star behind their bar, while we as a club took Hammer and Robbie, two of our brothers who Hairy had patched in, and killed them.
I squeeze my eyes shut as I remember telling my father what Crystal had done to him—how she violated him.
I slam the phone down on Axel and Star, knowing I don't have long. I need to get to Illinois to help the Untamed. It's the least I could fucking do.
Hairy raped Star, their club princess and the woman their brother Flame was in love with. Crystal, his fucking mother, had tried to…to.
I shake my head as I stand up from my Mahogany desk and round it, heading out the door. I leave my office, not giving a shit that I haven't locked my door, and go try and find my dad. My fucking dad.
Shit, I feel sick.
I stumble into the common room, which is half full of brothers and old ladies. My father is sitting near the back with my Momma and Bullet.
Oh, fucking shit.
Bullet spots me first and stands up, seeing the look on my face, my parents following as I approach them.
I feel sick. I clutch the chair before me as I get near them, hoping I don't collapse.
I hear the concern in my dad's voice, and I shake my head before rasping in pain, knowing I haven't got time to sugarcoat things for them. "Hairy's a traitor. He shot down the missing brother of the Untamed Hell Fire eleven years ago, Bones. He's held him hostage all these years for revenge, and he raped Bones' daughter anally a year ago outside their bar. He's been creating a coop to overthrow me; he's been trying to set wars between our clubs." I look up, making eye contact with my dad, as the three people I look up to stare at me wide-eyed before I tear their world apart, "Crystal slipped you a large amount of GBH fifteen years ago, hoping to get pregnant. She tried to rape you dad before placing the blame on Bones. She'd used him as coverage for her crazy, wacky ideas of becoming the queen bee. Hairy targeted him because of her, because of her lies."
My dad stumbles back as tears fall down my mother's cheeks before I make eye contact with Bullet, "Hairy blamed Bones for you killing his mother. He always believed he was the one who was fucking her."
He shakes his head in shock, "W-what? How?"
I clear my throat, "Star, Bones's daughter, has been trying to find her dad all this time. She saw Hairy when he shot at them. She also found Crystal's online diary explaining everything. She's sent me all the proof, including, fuck, including video footage of him smirking at the camera while he raped her anally."
Bullet sits down in shock as my father rushes out of the common room, gagging. My mother sobs, and my heart fucking hurts as I rasp, knowing I can't hold her tight right now, "I need to go to Illinois. Bullet, I need you to grab Robbie and lock him up. He's part of Hairy's coop; Hammer is currently with Hairy, holding Bones hostage."
Bullet nods as fury overrides him, "What about my son? What's going to happen to him?"
I swallow hard, hoping he doesn't fight me on this because I've already made my mind up, "He raped their club princess anally and held their brother hostage for years."
He nods once and says, "Tell them to make it fucking hurt."
I nod as I watch him walk over to Robbie and grab the back of his neck roughly, calling for brothers he trusts to follow him. At the same time, I rush out the door shouting for Smokey, Sniper, and Tats to follow me, ignoring the stares of everyone else and Robbie's pleas, and head to my bike.