Page 47 of Snake
Damn pride.
I'm halfway through reconnecting the cylinder, grunting in frustration at the tight fit, when the garage door opens, making me sigh. The men had left for the day, and Dave permitted me to use the shop, but I thought he'd locked the door so customers couldn't enter.
Shaking my head, I climb out of my truck but end up freezing in my spot when Helena stands near me, a gun pointing toward my chest, her eyes crazed, her blonde hair a mess while wearing the same short dress from her hen do two years ago.
Oh crap, the girl's finally snapped.
I swallow hard, place my hand over my stomach, and rasp, "Helena?"
Her hand wobbles as she sneers, her bloodshot eyes staring daggers at me, "Why you, huh? It's always you!" I furrow my brows in confusion, but she cackles, "Did you know Brad wanted you?" I clear my throat, not willing to answer that. His sister Hannah mentioned it, but I told her it wouldn't happen because the idiot slept with crazy here, "Yeah, you knew, didn't you? But you were just too perfect for him, right?" See, crazy; does she know what she's saying right now? The woman isn't making sense. "So, I had to have him so you couldn't, and then Snake, MY SNAKE, you eyed him, but guess what? He became mine that night, proving I can take anything you want, but now he wants you and only fucking YOU." I step back a little as she clocks her gun, and she grins, her teeth all stained yellow, making me want to gag.
It's not the time for theatrics, Sarah. Don't make crazy go even crazier! I tell the voice in the back of my head to shut up because, hello, gun, right there.
"He was mine first, MINE; Clipper promised me him when he took over the club."
Her hand wobbles, and I know, I know, I should let her have her crazy ramble, but come on, she was engaged; he was not fucking hers, and the jackass thought she was me!
I try to keep quiet, but, well, me and my big mouth and all, I snarl back, "Actually, Helena, I saw him first; it sounds like you just wanted something I did while engaged to a man who apparently wanted me before he slept with you because you have a bit of the green-eyed monster. Pretty third grade of you, don't cha think?" crazy.
Yep, me and my big mouth, but at least I didn't call her crazy out loud, right?
Her eyes widen as her cheeks redden so much that I'm surprised smoke doesn't come out of her ears, like a cartoon character, making me think I may have called her crazy to her face instead of my head. When the metal door opens again a few seconds later, my heart stops. No one is meant to come back, which means... Hunter walks in, white daisies, my sisters' favorite flowers, in hand.
No, no, no, no.
He looks up with a smile, which soon disappears upon seeing me. My face is most likely white, and my hand is on my stomach with a gun pointed at my chest. I watch him discreetly get his phone out as determination fills his eyes, the flowers dropping to the floor. I see him pressing one number, holding it, and calling for help. I bite my lip, realizing the severity of my situation because a man who is always so fucking strong is now looking at me with absolute fear. That fear soon turns into terror when Helena turns the gun on him, and he sees my instant reaction, a reaction I can't help because this man is my heart; I can't lose him.
I scream out as she smirks at him, ready to shoot. I don't know how it happened, but one moment, I'm screaming; the next, I'm bleeding on the cold ground as Hunter bends over me, tears in his eyes, his words the last thing I remember as I pass out from the pain.
"Don't leave me, Spitfire."
Chapter 25
My whole world slows as I watch my girl tackle Helena to the ground from where she stands, holding a gun at my fucking chest. I came here to convince my girl to leave this shitty fucking job and return back to Devil’s Motor Garage, and now she’s putting herself and our baby in danger to fucking save me!
I go to run toward her as my brother’s screams come from the speaker of the phone after I dialed the emergency ONE that connects to all brothers’ phones.
The gun goes off, cutting him off before Helena rolls off my girl, grunting from the blow to her head after hitting the ground.
"NO…I scream as I watch my girl still, her hands going to her stomach, not noticing the blood through my anger. I hear more shouting coming from my phone, but I drop it on the floor near my girl before grabbing Helena’s dirty, fucking hair. She screeches and struggles as I yank her on her back before I climb on top of her, wrapping my hands around her throat. I squeeze tightly, making her buck underneath me, but I’m too heavy for her as my anger takes over.
“P-please…” she stutters.
I sneer, squeezing tighter, “You think you can attack my woman, my fucking pregnant woman, and survive? I fucked you once years ago, and it was the worst mistake of my life; now, you can fucking die.”
Her eyes widen as tears leak from her eyes, her face paling. She scratches my arms and my face, but I don’t let up; I keep the pressure on, watching as life drains from her eyes before I grab my knife from my boot and slice her throat from ear to fucking ear, hoping she’s still suffering from her near suffocation.
I jump off her as she gasps and gargles on her own blood before her body stills, her eyes wide open and vacant. I breathe heavily before looking toward my girl, making my anger etch away as I realize she’s been fucking shot to the chest and blood pours from her wound.
“SARAH…” I shout as I rush over to her and quickly press on her bullet wound; tears leak from her eyes, and I plead, “Don’t leave me, Spitfire,” as her eyes close.
No, no, no.