Page 102 of Damaged Gods
“You will die a painful death for messing with the gods!” Hosea screams and his voice carries in the air toward his prisoner. “Psyche, it’s me, Hosea. Step away from the beast. I will save you.”
Fuck this. I laugh out loud and with a violent shove, he falls to my brother’s feet, and I step back with a soft, “He’s all yours, Apollo.”
Hosea attempts to scramble to his feet, but Apollo drops Phoebe’s hand and is quick to cross the distance and grab him by the throat and hisses, “Prepare to die, Hosea. Nothing can save you now.”
I grin as he punches him hard in the face, catching his broken nose for a second time and rains blows of retribution down on Hosea’s increasingly frail body. Melissa steps beside me and catches my hand and as I turn away from the scene in front of me, I am surprised to witness a malevolent gleam in her eyes as she watches my brother get his revenge.
It makes me smile as I turn back to watch, my woman’s hand safe in mine and as Apollo takes out his knife, he swipes the blade down Hosea’s face, spilling his blood that falls in a stream to the ground. Hosea’s screams echo around the hilltop, the breeze delivering them to Satan’s lair, announcing his imminent arrival.
I note Phoebe’s hard expression as she stares at the scene before her as Apollo takes his revenge. I check my watch and note we have ten minutes left and as the helicopter hovers above us, Apollo hisses, “A winged serpent will carry Psyche off, and she will become his. They will marry and live happily ever after once he slays the beast who took her.”
“That’s not in the story, you’re making it up!” Hosea screams and Apollo laughs out loud as he drags him by his hair over to the edge of the hill.
“Maybe, but I thought you may like to know how the story ends as you’re such a fan of making them reality.”
He pulls Hosea to his feet and grips his arms behind his back and pushes him to the edge, where the sheer drop ends on the rocks below. “You took Phoebe from me, you bastard, and you must have known I wouldn’t rest until I found her. Enjoy death, Hosea knowing I will enjoy my life with Phoebe.”
“My brother will hunt you down and kill you both,” Hosea splutters as he attempts to negotiate for his life.
“Marcos will treat you like the dogs you are and torture you and rape your women, before cutting them open before your one remaining eye.”
Melissa squeezes my hand a little tighter and I whisper, “Not gonna happen, little one.”
Hosea’s threats carry away on the breeze as my brother says darkly, “Don’t you get it, Hosea. How we got on this island at all. Why the guards aren’t protecting you and why you will die a painful death while falling to the rocks below.”
He hisses, “Because your brother organized the whole fucking thing, and your death was our promise to him in exchange for Phoebe.”
Hosea’s howl of anger is the last thing he ever does as Apollo pushes him hard over the edge, onto the rocks below. He stands there and I watch Phoebe race over to him and wrap her arms around his waist as he wraps his own around her shivering body. I take Melissa’s hand and we join them, all staring down at the angry sea below, the body of the man who never stood a chance against us, broken and doomed to a place in hell.
We are aware of footsteps running up the hill, and as I turn, I see Mikhail approaching. “We must leave.” He shouts and as we turn away from a madman, we run toward the helicopter that is bound for Mikhail’s penthouse.
The party will go on and the guests will be unaware and the word on the street will be that Hosea, in a fit of madness, took his own life. No witnesses, no repercussions, just a dark revenge on a man who messed with the wrong men.
My heart is still beating madly and I’m not sure it will ever stop. I sit close to Adonis on the helicopter, huddled in the corner as we speed away from the island. Both Apollo and Adonis are still armed with machine guns and dressed completely in black, looking like the vengeful warriors they are.
Phoebe is in the same position as me and Apollo hasn’t let his arm drop from her shoulders for a second, the relief in his eyes revealing how important this rescue was to him. Mikhail is brooding, locked in his own thoughts, staring out of the window into the darkness, and a cold shiver passes through me. He wears danger like an aftershave. It’s part of him. There is nothing but darkness in those eyes and he is cold and ruthless.
Adonis whispers in my ear, “Are you okay, little one?”
“I’m fine.” I stare into his eyes and smile, hoping he can see through to my soul that belongs to him now. He is everything I have been searching for. The missing piece to my jigsaw, and I hope he feels the same way because if this is the end for us, I’m not sure I want a beginning with anybody else.
Phoebe is staring out of the window, much like Mikhail, her hand tightly clasped in Apollo’s as if she’s afraid to let him go.
I experience overwhelming relief inside. The mission was a success and as we fly over the ocean toward dry land, I wonder what happens now.
We land in darkness, and I can’t tell where we are. It’s definitely not on top of a building because the silhouettes of the trees that surround us, tell me we are on the ground, not on the concrete of a skyscraper.
The doors open as the helicopter blades grind to a stop and I note similar guards to the ones on Serenita, making me wonder if we’re back with the Vieris.
Adonis takes my hand and we run past the helicopter toward a building in the distance and as we reach a path, the lighting on it reveals a huge mansion lit up in the darkness.
“Where are we?” I whisper, and Adonis grips my hand a little tighter.
“The Romano mansion.”