Page 109 of Damaged Gods
Carlton loads our bags into the trunk and Adonis fills the space beside me, his leg resting against mine and my fingers tangled on his lap.
As Carlton jumps into the driver’s seat, Adonis whispers huskily, “I can’t wait to be alone with you with no shit to deal with.”
I sigh and smile back at him. “Me too. A few more days and we’ll be heading to our villa in Barbados. Alone at last.”
A shiver of expectation catches me off guard because I want that more than anything. Since we met, we have never been alone. Truly alone. There is always someone else nearby, so once I’ve checked on mom and my brothers, we are flying to Barbados for a well-earned vacation.
Two weeks of sun and sex with no interruptions this time. A normal life – almost. If you ignore the fact, we’re staying in a private villa that cost several millions, with a staff of twelve that live there permanently, that is.
This is my life, was my life but as soon as that is over, we are heading back to Greece, to Dimitri, Apollo, and Phoebe, where we will live, splitting our time between our respective families.
That’s the plan at least. When Adonis works, I travel home and when we’re together, it will be at his home in Greece.
“Will Apollo and Phoebe be okay?”
I’m anxious they get their happily ever after and Adonis squeezes my hand. “Of course. They are soulmates.”
When we left the Romano mansion, we parted company with them. Apollo and Phoebe reunited with Dimitri and took their family jet to Greece where her father was waiting anxiously.
Troy sent the Remington jet to pick us up and now we are heading back to face the music.
As we pass the familiar landmarks, home settles around me like a favourite sweater. One I reach for when I want to feel relaxed and comfortable. I think back on how far I’ve come and how much I’ve changed in such a short period of time.
Adonis will not fit into my world of shallow conversations and brunch dates. Men who are respectable during the day and lose all sense of morality at night.
Our world will not be this one.
It will be filled with genuine people who have the most chilling occupation. A place I felt immediately at home in, one I’d take over this any day of the week.
We head through the gates and my family home rises majestically before us, not unlike the Romano mansion and nothing like the Constantine’s family home. I have many unhappy memories here that I am not going to miss and as we draw to a stop, I take a deep breath.
Here goes nothing.
As we exit the car, the door opens and the welcoming committee steps outside.
Troy, Harrison and Laura are watching our return and I smile brightly.
“Hi guys, it’s good to see you.”
And it is. I love my family immeasurably which is why I seek their approval so much.
Troy steps forward first and as I fall into his arms, he whispers against my ear, “Thank God you’re safe.”
I hug him hard because the last time I saw him was on Serenita when he swapped places with me.
My gaze turns to Laura who is glowing and I grin, “It obviously worked out for you too. I’m happy for you.”
Troy’s face softens. “It did.”
His gaze slides past me to Adonis and he sighs.
“Apparently, I can say the same for you. Are you sure about this, Melissa?”
“There is no doubt in my mind at all.”
I step back and hug Harrison, who is a little bemused right now.
“One day–” He huffs, “Someone is going to fill me in on what the hell has been going on.”