Page 20 of Damaged Gods
Rico’s haul turned up shit except a number on his cell phone that matches one of a known villain.
Adonis stares at me with his usual enigmatic expression.
“What are you thinking?”
“That we intercept that transit and plant one of our own inside.”
“Any ideas?”
I cast my mind over a few possibilities, but none of them are local and I shake my head.
He nods. “We call in a few favors.”
“Shade Vieri?”
He grins. “An eye for an eye, shall we say. Do you want to make the call, or should I?”
I yawn widely. “I’ll give you that pleasure. I’m beat.”
Adonis stretches and I’m guessing he’s the same. It’s been a bitch of a day, and I could use some shuteye.
He stands and casts his eye around my trailer and chuckles softly.
“Why do you insist on staying here? The apartment is way better than this heap of tin.”
“It keeps me grounded. Sharpens my edges and makes sure I don’t get too comfortable.”
“Rather you than me, brother.”
He moves to the door. “I’m heading back to the apartment where I’m assured of a good night’s sleep.”
It will be unusual if he is, and he shakes his head. “No. One of the dancers from Nostalgia is stopping by after her set.”
“Which one?”
I raise my eyes. “Not bad.”
“What about you?”
I think about Melissa and regret our bad timing. Killing a man always makes me horny, sad but true and if she was here tonight instead of yesterday, it would be a very different outcome to our evening.
“Nah, I’m beat.”
He shakes his head and grins. “If you say so. I’ll catch you tomorrow.”
He heads out of the trailer and it’s not long before I hear the rumble of his motorbike and I’m envious of him.
He gets the girl and the apartment while I’m wallowing in my own shit, as always.
We are as close as brothers get, and I wouldn’t trust anyone else to have my back, and I’m almost tempted to ride on over there and join in the fun. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve fucked the same woman. As I said, we’re close. We’ve never had a problem sharing and the girls never complain.
Instead, I stretch out and lie on my bed, too exhausted to drag my sorry ass anywhere else tonight. Tomorrow, I’ll wake and head over to the apartment and shower and grab a clean set of clothes. Tonight, I’ll pass out and hope the demons allow me to forget for one night at least.