Page 29 of Damaged Gods
“Grab your passport and a few clothes. I’ll pick you up at nine am.”
“Okay.” My voice catches because I have never been more nervous or excited as I am now, and he jerks his head toward the house.
“You may want to grab some sleep, baby. Rest while you can.”
I swear every part of me throbs as I slide off his bike and he smiles, an act that causes my heart to flutter and a deep yearning to consume my body.
“Until tomorrow. Sleep tight.”
“Until tomorrow.” I turn away but it’s as if my feet are filled with lead as I walk away from him, back through the side gate, only turning when the roar of his engine disturbs the night air. I turn as he disappears into the gloom, a lone rider with so much to offer a girl that he keeps locked inside. His mind is a mystery. I still don’t know what makes him tick but a warm sensation accompanies me as I head inside because tomorrow, I just know my dreams will come true.
I am too fired up to sleep and quickly change and head to the indoor gym Troy and Harrison like to use.
I turn on the treadmill and set off at a brisk pace because I need to deal with the adrenalin that is running through my veins right now.
Another night, another sleazebag, and another reason why I need a man like Apollo in my life. I could have wept when he pulled the guy off me, and it was strangely thrilling watching him fight on my behalf. I am officially screwed and only my cell phone ringing pulls the image from my mind.
I set it to speaker as I carry on running.
“Troy. Is everything okay?”
“I was going to ask you that.”
“Of course.”
“And mom. Have you heard anything?”
I hate the guilt I’m experiencing now as I picture mom in therapy while I was intent on my pleasure.
I take a deep breath and say lightly, “Yes. Mrs. Partridge called and told me she was settling in fine. They have a therapy session arranged for the morning so they can analyze her state of mind.”
“Does she know?”
Troy sounds concerned and I say quickly, “Yes, and she’s good with that.”
“Is everything okay, sis? You sound as if you’re running.”
“I am.” I laugh softly. “I’m working out.”
“What, at this time of night?” He says with derision that immediately puts me on the defensive.
“Well, maybe I’ve changed.”
He sighs heavily. “Change is good. Enjoy.”
I say quickly, “Um, Troy, I’m heading out of town for a few days while mom is otherwise occupied.”
“Out of town. Where?”
He sounds surprised. “On your own?”
The astonishment in his voice makes me giggle. “Not exactly. Anyway, I’ll fill you in when I get back. It’s only for a week, so enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.”
I cut the call before he can question me further and laugh when I picture his expression if he knew who I was going with. He wouldn’t be happy for sure, and yet I couldn’t be happier. Tomorrow I am going to paradise with a man who is fresh from my dreams, and it can’t come soon enough for me.