Page 3 of Damaged Gods
Katy is seriously pissing me off as she gazes smugly at her phone and grins.
“Jacob says he’ll call me after brunch. He has something planned that he’ll know I love.”
I resist rolling my eyes because Jacob Gardner is everything I detest in a man. Smooth talking, designer suit wearing with slicked back hair and manicured nails. He vacations in the Islands and works in his father’s business. He also parties hard and snorts cocaine, while stuffing dollar bills into strippers panties, but Katy explains it away as sowing his wild oats and tells me that when he commits, he will become the perfect man.
Dream on, sucker.
I really want to tell her that, but I just smile and nod as I congratulate her on attracting him in the first place.
It’s why I went to Dark Shadows last night. For the adrenalin rush, I suppose, along with the hint of danger and the unknown.
Why should the guys have all the fun? I’m guessing most have been there anyway, and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
I am never going there again.
“So, how was your night?” Katy finally says, after boring me to tears for the past two hours of brunch about Jacob and why she is the luckiest girl alive.
“Quiet.” I shrug because the last thing I’m doing is ever talking about what really happened last night and she shakes her head.
“Shame. I’m sorry I ditched you, but well, I’m working on my future self, and she always takes priority. I mean, a successful marriage must be planned, not hoped for, and Jacob Gardner is a man who is going places.”
As if he can read minds, her phone rings and her squeal of excitement makes me want to gag.
Her triumphant smile is etched in smug delight as she whispers, “Hey, baby, I missed you.”
“Excuse me.”
I stand and nod toward the restroom.
“I won’t be long.”
She nods and I leave her to chat shit with the waste of space she’s set her eye on and head to the restroom in the hope there’s a wardrobe to Narnia in there and I fall into a parallel universe that is way more exciting than the one I’m in.
“Melissa, darling.”
Mrs. Jones calls out as I pass, and I can tell she is dining with her family and smile politely.
“It’s lovely to see you, Angela.”
She smiles pompously. “Have you met Julian, my nephew? His family is big in the pharmaceutical world.”
Her sleazy nephew gives me the once over and while I’m aware of his reputation, I’m guessing his aunt isn’t.
Julian Jones is fresh out of the same mold as Jacob Gardner and the last person I’d ever want to mix with.
I smile politely. “Yes, it’s lovely to meet you again, Julian.”
He makes to speak, and I say quickly, “I’m sorry, I, well, um–” I point to the restroom and fix an urgent smile on my face and Angela nods knowingly.
“Off you go dear, head back when you’re finished, and we’ll pour you a glass of champagne. You can sit beside Julian.”
I smile and edge away, screaming inside, ‘fuck my life’ as I head at speed toward the exit.
When I reach the sanctuary of the restroom, I lean against the wall and sigh heavily.
I hate this with a passion, but it’s all I’ve ever known because my family has done extremely well and brought in billions. I always had everything I wanted until it all changed on a bullet from a gun.