Page 43 of Damaged Gods
As I glance up, my heart jumps when I see Apollo making his way toward us and I swear every single part of me burns.
Fuck my life. Double fuck, in fact, because the expression in Melissa’s eyes as I approach makes me feel like the biggest bastard that ever walked this earth.
I nod to the women who are enjoying lunch in the sun.
“Good to see you, Apollo.” Serena grins and I smile broadly because I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the mischievous girl who ran rings around her brothers. We spent many summers here on Serenita as friends and I always thought of her as the sister I never had.
“You’re looking good, Serena. I heard on the grapevine you’re traveling now.”
She nods. “You heard right.”
“Can I meet him?” I hold a warning in my voice, and she grins. “Be careful what you wish for, Apollo. He may bite back.”
“I know how hard he bites, Serena. Him and the rest of his family.”
I head to Ariana and kiss her gently on both cheeks. “Nonna, you look younger every time I see you.”
“You always were a smooth criminal, Apollo.” Ariana raises her eyes. “Too smooth for your own good, along with that brother of yours.”
I shrug. “It works for me.”
I glance at the two women watching me with curiosity. “Purity, I’m guessing.” I smile at the virtual angel who is regarding me with curiosity, and she says sweetly, “I’m pleased to meet you, honey.”
“Allegra.” I turn to Shade’s girlfriend, and she says with a cheeky smile. “It’s good to meet you too, Apollo. I like your name, by the way.”
“Thank you.” I sense my heart beating wildly as I prepare myself for this and turn to Melissa and smile. “I need a word, baby.”
She takes my outstretched hand, and I don’t miss the pity in Serena’s eyes as she gazes under her lashes that are doing a good job of hiding her concern. They all understand what this is, why Melissa is here, and when I leave, they are ready to pick up the pieces.
As we walk down to the water’s edge, I sense their attention following us and as I slip my hand firmly into Melissa’s, I prepare to deliver a speech worthy of an Oscar.
She looks so pretty, so ethereal as the sun catches the highlights in her hair and reflects in her gorgeous green eyes. She is a goddess among mortals and if things were different, I would never let her go but they are and so, with a heavy heart, I lean toward her and whisper, “I’m sorry baby but I have business to attend to.”
“What do you mean?” Her eyes are clouded with disappointment, and I say huskily, “My business here will be concluded elsewhere. It’s nothing unusual. It happens all the time, but I must go alone.”
“You’re sending me home.” The disappointment in her eyes is hard to bear, and I shake my head. “No. You can stay here until I return.”
“When will that be?”
“A few days perhaps, I’m not sure.”
I hate lying to her because the only way she is getting off this island is if her brother comes to get her. I’m not sure why I have such an ache in my heart where it concerns her. She’s a pretty girl for sure, but I’m used to that. I am surrounded by them, but there is something special about Melissa Remington that I can’t put my finger on. I know I shouldn’t and fucking hate myself, but I dip my head toward her and take one last kiss. I don’t deserve it. It’s definitely the kiss of Judas, but I can’t resist her. She has a magnetism I can’t stay away from, and I wonder about that.
I put everything into this kiss. My regret, apology, and realization that we never stood a chance. Melissa Remington was never the woman for me. That role was taken years ago, but I can’t ignore the pounding in my heart as I say goodbye.
As I pull away, I struggle to look at her because I hate myself right now. She doesn’t deserve any of this; my attention, the kidnapping she knows nothing of, and I really hope it stays that way. If she knew why she was really here, and why I invaded her life at all, she would hate me forever, and rightly so.
So, I tip her chin with my finger and stare into her sparkling eyes and whisper, “I love you, baby, and I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” Her lip trembles as I whisper, “Please don’t hate me for leaving you. It’s out of my control.”
“It’s okay, Apollo.” She smiles bravely. “I understand you must work. My brother is the same. Work always comes first, but I’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry about me.”