Page 46 of Damaged Gods
“Then you understand.” She smiles as if we now share a bond that only kids who have been through the same understand.
“Well, Apollo and Adonis played with the kids of their guards. They had an entire beach to play on and various olive groves. One of the friends they were permitted to play with was a young girl called Phoebe Psakidas. She was the daughter of one of the enforcers and she was also extremely protected because of her father’s work.”
Her voice is wistful as she says softly, “Phoebe was an extremely beautiful young girl. Even as a kid, she stood out from the crowd. It didn’t stop at her looks either. She was gorgeous inside and out.”
“Did you meet her?” I ask, fascinated by her story, and she nods.
“Yes, many times. I used to vacation in Greece at their home as a child. Our families were close and still are.”
Serena sighs. “Apollo, particularly adored her. He was fascinated by her and always wanted to be the one to be paired up with her in games. He was protective of her, and they were good friends. Something that grew into more as they got older.”
“He loved her.” I say it simply because I suppose I have always known someone else has his heart. He guards it so carefully and she nods, her eyes clouded with pain.
“They started dating when she was sixteen. Apollo was eighteen at the time. They had the blessing of their respective families, and I don’t believe I have ever seen him as happy as he was then.”
“What happened to her?” I am fearful of the answer because it was obviously something bad to cause such deep pain in his eyes.
“She disappeared.” Serena shakes her head. “The impossible happened and the protected woman became a missing one overnight.”
“That’s terrible.” I feel bad for them and Serena shrugs. “Despite the men searching for her, she was never found.”
I’m shocked at that. “What, no word at all? She could be–”
“Dead.” Serena shakes her head. “No, we have heard many rumors about her existence.”
“Do you know where she is?”
I really hope that’s a yes, and Serena nods.
“A friend of Alexei’s told him about a woman being held prisoner on an island off the coast of Miami. It’s a private island that is visited by invitation only. Apparently, invitations are sent out to billionaires and their guest to spend the weekend on the island and enjoy everything it provides.”
“Such as?” I think I can guess, but need to hear it, and Serena hisses. “Women mainly. They insist on couples of a similar mind as visitors. The women on the island are used to make up the numbers and indulge in the fantasies of the guests.”
“And you think Phoebe is there?”
I’m disgusted and Serena nods. “Yes. One of the guests had heard the story and took a photograph of the woman on the island. He sent it to Alexei who wasted no time in forwarding it to Don Vieri who, in turn, sent it to Dimitri Constantine. They are in no doubt it’s Phoebe and are planning to liberate her.”
“Is that where Apollo has gone?”
I’m intrigued and even more surprised that I hope he finds her again. I’m invested in the story and realize his heart was never for the taking. If anything, I’ve known that for some time, but hoped I was wrong.
She peers at me with concern.
“I’m sorry, Melissa. This must be hard to hear.”
“Not really.” She seems surprised and I shrug.
“Listen, I’ve just met Apollo. Of course I was attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be?”
She grins. “You got that right.”
“The thing is, he was holding back on me the entire time. Sure, we kissed, and it was hot, really hot, but that’s where it ended. He had his chance to go further. God knows I gave out the right signals, but he always kept his distance from taking it any further.”
“That doesn’t surprise me.” Serena sighs. “These guys are whores most of the time and yet when their hearts are involved, it all changes. I’m guessing he uses women for physical gratification but prefers to use whores and women who only want his cash rather than his heart. I’m not surprised he struggled with you because you are not dissimilar to Phoebe to look at. You also seem sweet and genuine, so I’m not surprised it scrambled his brain.”
“So, what happens now?”
I’m intrigued and she groans. “They go to war. They’ll go in heavy and fast and won’t take any prisoners. There will be a master plan that will be followed to the letter, and they will stop at nothing to bring Phoebe home.”