Page 83 of Damaged Gods
I sit up in confusion as he heads to the door and before I can even open my mouth, he closes it softly behind him, leaving me gawping in confusion at the closed door, wondering where the fuck we go from here.
That wasn’t supposed to happen. I was meant to walk away and detach my heart the minute she spoke of putting herself in danger.
I wasn’t supposed to crawl inside her and stamp her as mine on every single part of her. I wasn’t supposed to want to either.
This was my chance to cut things off and protect my heart, and yet all I could think of was owning every inch of her. To consume her, devour her, and mark her.
I walked away for my own self-preservation, and she must hate me right now. She must feel used and probably abused, and I should walk back in there and take her in my arms. Open my heart and beg her to change her mind, but I won’t. For my own sake, I am walking away before I fall. I will not put myself in the same position as my brother. It is the last thing on earth I will ever do.
I head to the shower and yet can’t bring myself to shower her scent away. She is still on my skin. Her sweet honey coating my cock and her taste in my mouth. If I clean her away, what will I have left? The memory of the time I fucked up big time and lived up to the reputation I have earned.
Instead, I head to the gym and throw some weights. It’s my preferred way of blanking out my responsibilities, but I’m not alone.
Apollo is punching the life out of the bag, and he glances my way as I head inside and growls, “I’m pretending this is you.”
“Let me guess–” I raise my eyes. “Melissa.”
He stops and faces me with a furious glare and hisses, “I warned you not to go there. She’s not a whore and doesn’t deserve your shit.”
“You’re right.” I can’t argue with that and sit on the bench press and run my fingers through my hair.
He stares down at me, and I groan. “I walked away.”
He says nothing and I lean back on the bench and stare up at the ceiling.
“She made me mad. She is insisting on going through with this and putting herself in danger.”
“I know.” Apollo sounds as miserable as I am, and I say huskily. “I took her to mom’s grave and told her what happens when you get involved.”
“Man.” Apollo drops to the bench beside me and leans forward, his knees supporting his arms.
“She told me she wanted to help, to repay us or some shit like that. I didn’t like it.”
“I understand. I’d be the same.”
He says suddenly, “What are your feelings toward her?”
“I’m still figuring that out.”
“You like her?”
“I thought it was lust. I took care of that, or so I thought.”
“And you wanted more.”
“I wasn’t done with her yet.”
He says nothing and I sit up to face him and shake my head. “When she told me she was going to Madeira Island, I tried to shut it down. I said nothing and accompanied her to her room, but I couldn’t walk away. I told myself if I fucked her out of my system, it wouldn’t matter what she decided. It didn’t work, so I left.”
“What happens now?”
Apollo is directing some serious sympathy my way and I don’t like it. I try to shake Melissa from my head and huff, “I heard the date has been set. Dad told me earlier, and I’m guessing you already know.”