Page 15 of Love Me to Death
“She didn’t tell you?” Kate straightened and clammed up. “I need to talk to Lucy.”
“If she wants.” The only thing Sean knew about whatever had upset Lucy was that she didn’t want to go home, and now there were FBI agents involved?
Lucy’s dream of becoming an FBI agent was well known, but Sean couldn’t imagine that if she were turned down she’d be violently upset to the point that she’d leave her house in the snow without gloves and walk half a mile. Or that she’d be shaking so hard he expected her to shatter. Anger, he could see. Maybe even tears. But not the physical pain he’d seen on her face when he’d brought her into his house.
Kate glared at Sean. “Excuse me, Sean, but this really isn’t your business.”
“Lucy made it my business when she landed on my doorstep.”
“To see Patrick, not you.”
“What’s your problem?”
“I don’t have a problem, Sean, I’m just trying to protect my sister.”
Sean hadn’t heard Lucy walk down the hall, until she said, “Protect me?”
Kate walked over to her. “I am so sorry, Lucy, about everything, but you can’t—”
Lucy was shaking her head the minute Kate started speaking and interrupted her. “Don’t tell me what I can’t do, not now.”
“You’re not speaking to Noah Armstrong without a representative. I’ll go with you—”
“No.” Lucy turned abruptly and stormed back to the family room. Kate followed, Sean right behind her. Lucy stood with her back to them, facing the fireplace.
Kate said to Sean, “Sean, tell her she can’t talk to the FBI without a lawyer or someone to look out for her interests!”
Sean raised an eyebrow. “You just said this wasn’t any of my business.”
“Dammit, this isn’t a joke!”
Lucy turned around and confronted Kate. “Damn straight it isn’t a joke. You lied to me. You had plenty of opportunities to tell me about the plea agreement and you didn’t. You didn’t even tell me Morton was released from prison!”
“I said I’m sorry, and I am, but—”
“But?” Lucy shook her head. “But you were only trying to protect me? Ignorance is not protection!”
Morton. Sean froze, working double time to keep his anger from showing. He knew exactly who Roger Morton was. He knew all about Lucy’s kidnapping and rape the day of her high school graduation.
“He’s out of prison?” Sean asked.
Kate put her hand up to silence him, and he was getting irritated. “Sean—”
“With all due respect, Kate, security is my specialty.”
Lucy said, “Morton is dead. He’s been out of prison for six months and no one told me!” She pointed a finger at Kate. “I had a right to know. He was here!”
Sean had a hundred questions, but now wasn’t the time. He crossed the family room and stood next to Lucy. “Lucy, you can stay here as long as you need.”
Kate said, “That’s not the issue. Sean, you know she can’t talk to the FBI without a lawyer.”
“Why does the FBI want to talk to her?”
“Morton was killed in the marina right across the Potomac,” Kate said. “I had to answer their questions as well, considering my history with that bastard. I drove down with Dillon to Richmond last Friday, then flew back Sunday night, and Dillon has been at Petersburg all week. We’re clear as soon as Noah verifies our alibis.”
Lucy gasped. “They don’t think I killed him!”
“I doubt it, you were pretty convincing that you didn’t know he was out of prison, but Lucy, I know how the system works. Why answer questions you shouldn’t have to answer when it has nothing to do with the murder? They’re just going to pump you for information, and you don’t know anything that can help.”