Page 35 of Jade
Jade twirled her drumsticks impatiently. As much fun as it would be to perform, she wanted to have this show done so they could get moving.
Ryker received the radio notification that stage change was done and Lovely Oblivion was up.
“Okay, ladies. You’re on. Whenever you’re ready,” he said.
Everyone circled around for their pre-show ritual — double shots of tequila followed by high-fives in a specific order. Musicians are a superstitious bunch and the tradition had always worked for Lovely Oblivion, so they weren’t breaking it anytime soon.
Before they took the stage, Jade grabbed Ryker’s arm. He looked at her with alarm, obviously thinking something was wrong.
“Wish me luck, Ry.”
His eyes softened and he smiled at her. “Always, sweetness. Have fun and blow ‘em away like you always do.”
Jade beamed and impulsively kissed him.
Though he was hesitant about the public display at first, he finally loosened up and kissed her back — with what might be dubbed a “panty-melting” kiss. When he committed to something, he went all-in.
When hoots and whistles went up around them, he tore his lips from hers.
A dimple appeared on his cheek as he gave her a half smile. He tucked her hair behind her ear and touched his forehead to hers.
“So much for discretion,” he said.
“Fuck discretion,” she said. “I’m claiming you. You’re mine, Vittroli.”
He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “Okay then. But if I’m yours, you’re mine. And that means I’m claiming your pussy later. Sinking my cock so deep and so good that all other men will be ruined for you. No one else will ever measure up. You good with that?”
“Yes, please.” She grinned. “That makes us even because I’ll ruin all other women for you, too. You’re stuck with this hoo-ha forever, lover boy.”
He laughed. “Good. Glad that’s settled. Now go out there and have a great show.”
She turned and headed toward the stage. She laughed when he smacked her ass as she walked away. She enjoyed the rare glimpses of playful Ryker.
Lyra came up beside her and linked her arm through Jade’s as they walked to the stage. “Damn, that was hot. You been holding out on me? Something happening with Mr. Blue Eyes?” The nickname had quickly caught on amongst the band.
“I hope there will be. I’ve got big plans for the break and all of them include Ryker — in every position I can get him in.”
“Daaaaaaaaaamn girl,” Lyra said, poking Jade’s ribs. They both laughed.
“Seriously, though, I like him a lot. He feels an obligation to stay focused and keep his distance while the stalker’s out there so I haven’t gotten to know the relaxed, non-serious guy yet but I think I will on this break. Only us, away from everyone. No one knowing our agenda. No stalker over my shoulder. I feel really good about this trip, Lyra.”
Lyra beamed and hugged Jade.
“That’s great! I’m so excited for you! Since I’m obviously going to be maid of honor, I’ll start looking for the best venues tomorrow!”
“Wait, wha-” Jade sputtered.
Lyra rubbed Jade’s back. “You’ve got it bad, babe. My bets are on wedding bells sooner rather than later. It’s so exciting. I can’t wait to get the perfect wedding dress on you and style your hair all nice. Curls always look so good on you. You’re going to look so gorgeous.” Lyra bounced in place.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re getting a little ahead of yourself here,” Jade protested.
“Nope. I’m calling it. My best friend senses are tingling, and they’re never wrong.”
Lyra turned toward where Ryker was consulting a clipboard with Tawny, and said, “Hey, Blue Eyes! Treat her right or I’m kicking your ass!”
Ryker’s gaze turned to them. The corner of his mouth lifted in amusement. He mock-saluted Lyra and winked at Jade, then focused back on the clipboard.
Lyra grinned. “Yep, I’m finding you a venue ASAP. Some places have to be booked years in advance! But don’t worry, I’m on it.”