Page 64 of Jade
It was by no means a professional set, but it would keep her from going stir-crazy and let her pound out some frustration.
Ryker held out a second box containing headphones and said, “There’s a headphone jack on the speakers. You can plug these in and play to your heart’s content. No one will hear anything.”
The thoughtfulness of this gift made Jade’s heart melt. She didn’t think she could love this man more, then he does something like this.
Jade set the box aside and pulled Ryker onto the bed with her.
He laughed as she rolled on top of him.
She kissed all over his face, little pecks with “thank you, thank you, thank yous” in between.
When she finally stopped, he smiled at her and brushed her hair away from her face. “You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it.”
“I love it. Thank you. You’re so good to me.”
“I want you to be safe and happy. I’ll do anything I can to make that happen.”
He pulled her close and hugged her as she lay on top of him.
He said, “I’m sorry we’re stuck in a hotel room for the last part of our vacation. I still think it’s safest to stay under the radar with your stalker out there and the public hunting you down.” He kissed the top of her head.
Jade rested her head against his chest and listened to his heart’s steady beat.
He lay there for a minute, then sighed. “You should know, I’m being a little selfish about my strategy. I want to keep you to myself for as long as I can. I know the isolation is driving you crazy, though. If you want, we can head back to New York, check into one of those ritzy hotels with high-security, and bring in a couple of guys from my team so you can stop hiding. That is a safe alternative. It’s up to you, baby.”
She raised her head to look into his eye and asked, “Once we’re back in the city, you have to go back to being ‘on-duty’ at all times, don’t you? Because Rosé will know where we are?”
“Unfortunately, yes. Being off Rosé’s radar, I’m still taking basic precautions to make sure you’re safe but we don’t have to be as cautious as we do when Rosé knows exactly where to find you. He’s dangerous, and he wants to hurt you any way he can. When we finally go back into the public eye, we have to be extra cautious. I have to be at my best and focused so you don’t get hurt.”
She rubbed her hand over his chest. “I get it. I want to keep you for myself as long as I can, too,” Jade said. “I’m fine with us staying here until we have to head back. But once we get back, maybe we can compromise. Like... Maybe you can be focused and on guard during the day but then you can sleep with me at night and one of the other guys can be on active alert. You have to sleep sometime, right? Why not with me?”
Ryker smiled. “I like how you think, sweetness. We’ll see how everything goes. Maybe we’ll have Rosé in custody before it’s time to head back.”
She cupped his face with her hand and stroked her fingers over his cheek. “Is it selfish that all I can think about is that once Rosé is caught, you’ll move on to another job and I won’t get to see you all the time? And how much I’ll miss you?”
His smile faded. He stroked his fingers through her hair and massaged the back of her neck.
“No, it’s not selfish. I’ll miss you, too. But we’ll figure out something that works for us. We’ll make it happen. I promise. Don’t doubt us.”
“I could never doubt us. You and I, we’re going to make our own happy. I already decided.”
“Exactly. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Yours forever.”
His grin returned. “I really love the sound of that.”
“Good. ‘Cause you’re stuck with me now. No takesies backsies.”
He laughed. “Agreed. Same for you. No takesies backsies.”
Jade kissed him once more then slid off him and picked up her drum kit box.
“I’m setting this puppy up now. I have a new song idea that I want to work on.” She beamed at him.
“Let me know if you need any inspiration, sweetness.” Ryker winked at her then pulled out his new phone to set it up.