Page 81 of Jade
Ryker grabbed the hoodies and shut the hatch. He walked up the sidewalk, around the back, and into the basement.
EMTs, who couldn’t ethically disclose any information about the patients without backlash due to HIPAA laws, patched up Jade and Lyra. As long as his team got the two out of there before the press or public stopped by, the publicity would be non-issue.
Lyra and Jade cuddled up against each other on the couch. Both slept.
Roark sat in the corner and played on his phone while he “kept watch.” Diesel had returned to the hotel to make arrangements for discretion when they arrived and to set up with the doctor.
It was time to head out.
“Jade, Lyra,” he said softly. “Wake up.”
Jade stirred and looked around, confused. Her eyes landed on him, then widened as she realized where they were.
Her hand went to her head as she sat up, and she whimpered. “Remind me to never do that again.”
“Sure. I’ll give you an order if that helps you remember.”
She chuckled. “I’d rather you spend time giving me ‘other’ orders. And maybe enforcing them when I disobey.” She winked at him.
“Are you flirting with me, ma’am?” he teased.
“Sure am. Can we get outta here, stud? Go back to your place?”
“God, I wish. Sorry, but right now we have to go back to the hotel. My place has to wait until later. But I promise we’ll make it back there soon.”
Images of her in his cabin — darting around corners during Nerf wars and swimming in the lake — ran through his head, and he wished they could be back there right then.
“Fine, if you insist.”
She reached over and lightly rubbed Lyra’s hand to wake her. “Lyra, we can go now.”
Lyra’s good eye blinked open, and she looked around. Terror momentarily crossed her face, then she realized she was safe. She lunged over and immediately hugged Jade.
Ryker knew getting past this experience would be hard for both women, but especially Lyra. He suspected Lyra may have to see a counselor for PTSD.
“You’re safe, Lyr. We can leave now and never have to see this place again,” Jade said.
He waited patiently while they comforted each other, then he handed them the hoodies.
“Here, put these on and pull up the hoods. This way we can minimize any media exposure.”
They stood up and helped each other pull on the hoodies, which were huge on them.
They pulled up their hoods, and everyone made the slow trek out to the SUV.
The situation was bad in general, but Ryker was satisfied that everyone walked out alive.
Everyone loaded into the SUV and they saluted their thanks to the squad cars before pulling out onto the road.
Ryker rested his hand on Jade’s thigh in silent support while she held Lyra close during the drive.
With Tawny out of the picture, Ryker’s next step would be to bring in a trustworthy security team for the band when they returned to touring. He hadn’t asked their label; he didn’t care what their label said. If they wouldn’t pay for a good team, he would.
He also needed to talk to Jade about her plans. His business required a lot of travel, and so did hers. If they were going to make this relationship work long term — and he loved Jade, so he really hoped they could — they would have to come up with a plan — together.
Chapter 28