Page 15 of Polly
Chapter 4
The hot water flowed over her body, the scent of the hotel’s complimentary rosemary mint shampoo filling her nostrils.
Tears flooded her eyes again, and she sniffled. Turning her face into the water, she wiped them away. She’d dated Grady since sophomore year of high school. Over ten years with the man, all gone. She’d only ever been with him. Always faithful, always loyal. Pointlessly.
Reality hit her. That chapter of her life was closed — and she’d wasted it on Grady.
She’d spent so many years of her life on Grady, and he simply threw them away to create a second life behind her back.
She crumpled onto the floor of the shower and sobbed against her knees.
Why her? She’d never cheated on him. Never even kissed another man.
Polly cried on the floor of the shower until the water ran cold. The cold water was the equivalent of a slap in the face. How long had she been in there to run a hotel’s hot water tank cold? She stood and turned off the water. She shivered and dried her hair, then wrapped a towel around herself.
She opened the door and walked into her room, which was freezing. She crossed the soft carpet and turned off the air conditioner, immediately making a difference.
She laid down on the bed and picked up her phone. She had a missed call from Flynn and a voicemail.
Polly pressed the button to listen to the message.
Flynn’s voice came through loud and clear. I assume you’re still in the shower. You’ve had a big day and you’re sorting it out. I get it. I’m calling you back in 30 minutes. If you don’t answer then, I’m calling in reinforcements. I don’t know what that means, but I’ll do it if I have to. But I won’t have to because you’re going to answer next time I call. Right? Talk to you soon.
Polly half laughed and checked the time. Thirty minutes had passed since his voicemail.
Right on time, the phone rang in her hand. A photo of Flynn’s mischievous face filled the screen.
“Hello,” she said, as she answered the call.
“Why, hello there. Thank you for answering.”
She sighed and slid her body under the covers. “I’m sorry. My shower took longer than I thought.”
“I figured. Are you okay?”
“I will be.”
“I’m here if you need to talk. Standing offer.”
“Thank you.”
His voice deepened. He adopted a tour guide tone. “Okay, now turn your attention to Spike TV. We’re going to watch ‘Shooter,’ starring Mr. Mark Wahlberg, formerly known as Marky Mark, which comes on in five minutes.”
She grabbed the remote and changed the channel, which showed commercials. She settled back against the pillows to wait.
“The channel’s on.”
“Okay, put me on speaker,” he instructed.
Polly hit the button on her phone and put it on the pillow by her head.
“Can you hear me?” she asked.
“Loud and clear. Can you hear me?”
“Yes, Master Flynn.”