Page 37 of Polly
Chapter 9
Later, Polly and Flynn snuggled on the hotel bed as they watched a movie together.
Polly’s phone chimed. A google alert on her name. When she checked it, a video of her and Flynn playing together popped up on the screen. They looked great, singing and playing guitars together. She wasn’t even mad that someone leaked a video when it looked so nice.
Flynn kissed her temple. “Miguel will kill me, but you and I could form our own band if we wanted. We’re that good.”
Polly laughed and tossed her phone on the bed stand. “Definitely an option.”
“What do you want to do about the press?” he asked.
“You mean about us being together?”
“Yeah. The media is going to swarm once we make an announcement. Myself, I don’t care. I want to shout from the rooftops that we’re together. But I understand if you want to keep things under wraps until the Grady mess blows over.”
Polly hugged him. “How about we don’t keep it a secret but we don’t make an announcement either? Like we tell the people we care about but not the public for now? Not forever, but for a little while.”
“That’s okay with me.”
“Thank you.” Polly leaned her forehead against his and drew a breath to speak but then she changed her mind and let it go.
“What is it?” Flynn brushed her hair away from her face.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You started to. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
“I—” She hesitated but Flynn slid his hand to her hip and squeezed to encourage her. “I’m scared, Flynn.” She watched concern cross his face.
“Let’s talk about it. What are you worried about?”
“It’s silly.”
“No, it’s not. You feel it, which means it’s important. Talk to me.”
“I don’t know. I guess... Well, I guess I’m scared to start another relationship after Grady and I broke up. What if the same thing happens?”
“I would never do that to you.”
“But what if you get bored with me or I’m not experienced enough for you?”
She expected Flynn to laugh but instead he took her seriously.
He said, “I will never get bored with you and I don’t care about your experience. One, you’re amazing and haven’t bored me in all the years we’ve been friends. I will never grow bored with you. Two, I like that you don’t have a lot of experience. It means we get to explore new things together and learn what we both like as partners. I find it to be a plus. I swear I won’t be unfaithful to you. We have to be open with each other.”
“Doesn’t the distance concern you?”
Flynn smiled. “No. It’s annoying but it’s temporary. We’ll get past it.” His smile faded. He looked at her earnestly. “If you want to try. Will you try with me?”
Talking about her concerns with him lifted a weight off her chest. She wanted to try. Polly nodded. “I’ll try with you.”
“Thank you.”
Flynn nuzzled his nose against her neck and kissed it.
Polly moaned as he licked and kissed her neck gently, with all the patience in the world.