Page 48 of Polly
“Sure,” Will said.
Flynn scoffed. He wanted to do anything but work with Amie right then.
“Actually,” Flynn said and stood, “I don’t feel that creative right now. Let’s try again later.”
“Oh, okay.” Amie stood and touched Flynn’s arm, concern in her eyes. “Are you feeling all right?”
He shrugged her off, irritated that she touched him.
“I’m tired. I’m going to lie down for a while. No worries. Maybe you and Will can work on a song for now.”
Will grinned and placed a hand on the couch beside her. “Let’s do that.”
“Oh, okay,” Amie said.
Flynn left the guitar propped on the couch and walked to his bunk. He climbed in and pulled the curtain shut behind him. With a sigh of irritation, he settled onto his pillow. He took a moment to decompress, then smiled when he saw the photos he’d mounted on the ceiling. Center, he had the photo of Polly and him from the hotel with their clashing clothes. He’d surrounded that with other photographs, memories, from their trip.
He sent Polly a text.
Flynn: Time to talk?
Polly: Sure.
His phone rang, and he answered with a smile. “Hi.”
“Hey,” Polly said. “How are you?”
“Perfect, now that I’m talking to you.”
Polly giggled. “How’s the songwriting going?”
“Great. We have two songs done and are working on a third. I still think it’s a waste of time.”
“It’ll work out. Is Amie fitting in okay on a bus full of guys?”
“She’s doing fine. We aren’t barbarians,” he teased.
“I know you aren’t. I adore you guys. I would tour with any of you, anytime.” Polly cleared her throat and hesitated a second, then she said, “It’s not you guys I’m worried about. Amie makes me nervous.”
Flynn narrowed his eyes at the bunk’s ceiling. “What do you mean?”
“I... Well, I’m a continent away. She’s right there on the bus and she’s gorgeous. I’m-I’m afraid she’ll turn into a warm body to pass the time. I guess I’m... Well, I’m insecure about being so far away and having her right there. She’s accessible.”
Flynn flinched. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“Logically, I know that. We talked about it already. I’m insecure about it, though. Grady fucked up my trust. It makes no sense and you’ve given me no reason to worry, but the distance bothers me. I wish I could be there with you.”
“I know. I wish you could, too. You’ll be with me as soon as we can make it happen. Try not to worry. I want to be with you. I need you to trust me. Before we know it, Boston will be here and we can have some time together.”
“I do trust you. But Grady gave me all this insecurity. I’ll work on it. I’m sorry.”
He hated that she’d been through that. “Nah, don’t be sorry. Work through it with me. Talk to me. If you’re worried about anything, talk to me. Be confident that I won’t hurt you.”
“I’m purely professional with Amie. She’s only here until the label tells her to leave. I’m completely taken by my girlfriend, who has nothing to worry about.”
“Oh really? Who is this girlfriend you mention?”