Page 53 of Polly
Chapter 15
The fans screamed outside the venue and pushed against the barrier walkway between the venue and the bus. Flynn wiped the sweat from his face as his band walked from the venue toward the bus.
“Check out those chicks.” Zack nudged Flynn with his elbow and nodded toward a group of four scantily clad female groupies. “I bet any of them would be happy to do whatever we want.”
“Feelin’ frisky, huh?”
“Always. Come on, man. Enjoy them with me.”
Flynn put his hand on Zack’s shoulder. “I can’t. I won’t. They don’t do it for me anymore. But that leaves more for you.”
“Are you turning into a one-woman man?”
“I think I am. I only have eyes for Polly these days.”
“Pussy,” Zack laughed. Flynn raised an eyebrow, and Zack held up his hands in surrender. “I’m kidding. Good for you. I’m happy for you. Leaves more for me.” Zack slapped him on the back.
Flynn chuckled. “Good luck, Zack. Keep in mind, we only have a few hours before we roll out.”
“Plenty of time.”
The band stopped to sign autographs and take pictures with the fans, but quickly Flynn was back on the bus and in his bunk, alone. He flipped through the photos on his phone from his trip with Polly and smiled. He missed her. He couldn’t wait until they could spend more time together.
* * *
The bus rolled toward their next location and the rest of the band slept, but Flynn was restless. Polly was already asleep, so he couldn’t call her. He sat on the couch in the front lounge and played his acoustic guitar. He played his heart out, made up guitar solos, and plucked random songs. At this hour, it was him and his guitar. He loved music and would be content to practice alone all night.
After he’d played for two hours or so, Amie appeared from the bunks, her hair ruffled and pajamas on.
Flynn frowned. Amie liked to hit on him, and he didn’t like being alone with her.
She yawned. “Can’t sleep?” she asked.
“Nope. Figured I’d get some practice in instead.”
She sat down at the table across the aisle from him and watched him.
“Look, I know you don’t like me,” she said. “Can we simply focus on making music together?”
Flynn stopped playing the guitar and leveled his gaze at her.
He said, “For the record, I don’t dislike you. I don’t think this music experiment you’re conducting will work, but I’m game and I’ll try it. I need you to understand, though. I’m not available to date. You want to make music? Fine. Professionally. Personally, no. I don’t appreciate the passes you’ve made at me. Don’t hit on me again. Keep your actions professional and we can work together. I’ll be civil. But I won’t tolerate anything but professional. It’s disrespectful to my girlfriend, and I won’t put up with that shit.”
Her eyes widened. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to cross a line.”
“Well, you did. Professional only.”
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
Flynn nodded. “Don’t let it happen again.”
“I won’t.”
Flynn leaned back and played the guitar, his fingers plucking across the strings.
“Hey, if you shorten the last two notes, you might have something there,” she said.