Page 1 of Lovely Oblivion: Bex
Chapter 1
“It’s been ten years already?” Bex blinked at the email she received on her smartphone. She ran a hand through her pixie cut brown hair, stunned. Had it really been that long?
“What’s been ten years?” Jade, her bandmate, asked from across the soundproofed recording studio. Jade restlessly tapped her drumsticks against her drum’s cymbals.
“Since high school graduation.”
“Sounds about right.” Jade nodded. Her rainbow hair framed her face. “You get your reunion reminder?”
“Sure did.”
“When is it?”
“Next month.”
A sly smile appeared on Jade’s face. “You attending?”
“I didn’t like most of those people in high school. Why would I want to see them now?”
“Does that include a certain ‘Aiden Whittaker’?”
Bex’s heart jumped at the mention of Aiden, her high school sweetheart. Her first love. She literally felt a spark between them when they kissed. Passion, magic, whatever someone might call it, she’d felt electricity between them. Back then, in her naivety, she thought that spark meant they were destined to be together and would last forever. Aiden shattered that fantasy a few weeks after graduation.
Bex cleared her throat and said, “We broke up ten years ago. He’s not even on my radar anymore.”
Jade laughed. “Liar.”
Bex snapped at Jade. “I’m with Blake now. Going on two years. You know that.”
Jade’s smile faded. She laid down her drumsticks, stood, and crossed the room to Bex.
“C’mere.” Jade wrapped her arms around Bex in a warm, one-sided hug. “I love you. I’m not trying to make you mad. Okay?”
Bex sighed but didn’t move. “I know.”
“I’m not leaving until you hug me back.” Jade squeezed Bex and started obnoxiously rubbing her hands all over Bex’s back.
Bex finally huffed out a laugh and hugged Jade in return.
“I knew you still loved me.” Jade smiled.
Bex rolled her eyes. “I love you, but don’t you have a fiancé you can annoy now? Can’t you leave me alone?”
Jade laughed and took a step back. “You’re stuck with me until we finish recording this song. Then I’ll go home to Ryker. And I solemnly swear, I will do my best to annoy him.”
Their band, Lovely Oblivion, had one more track to record at the studio for their new album. They expected recording to be done that day.
The other three band members took a quick break and would return soon.
“I’m surprised Ryker’s not here,” Bex said.
Jade smiled. “He’ll pick me up when we’re done.”
Jade and her fiancé, Ryker, met when the band’s record label hired Ryker’s security team to catch Jade’s stalker a few months ago. The two fell hard and fast for each other. They recently became engaged and moved in together.
The engagement surprised Bex, as she never expected Jade to settle down so fast, but Jade and Ryker were great for each other. Bex happily supported their relationship.