Page 21 of Maggie
Chapter 8
A month later
“Two weeks left on tour and then we get a break. I can’t wait. I want to stay in one place for a while.” Maggie said. She settled onto her bunk, her cell phone to her ear.
The band had toured for the past month. Maggie and Wylder grew closer to Wylder during that time through phone calls and texts. They talked daily, enough that she considered him a close friend.
“Nice. You’ve worked hard. You deserve a break. What are your plans?” Wylder asked.
“Well, that’s good news for you, actually.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes, sir.” Maggie intentionally paused.
Silence passed for a few seconds.
“Are you going to tell me why that’s good news for me?”
“Not unless you ask,” she teased.
“Hmm. Okay. Maggie, why is your news good for me?”
“I’m going to stay with my dad and stepmom for a few weeks, so I’ll be in your town. I might run into you on Main Street.”
“Oh snap. That is good news.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “My shop’s on Main Street, so that even increases our odds of running into each other.”
“How much are you at the shop now that you aren’t tattooing people?”
“Daily. Although, if I might meet you on Main Street, I’ll make multiple visits. My staff is about to hate you,” he joked.
“Sorry, not sorry.” She laughed.
“Do you want to get together for dinner or something while you’re in town?”
“I’m starting a list of the number of times I need to smack you when I see you. You’re at one.”
“Because of course we’re getting together for dinner. That was a pointless question. You’ll be lucky if I don’t show up on your doorstep with pizza the day I get into town.”
Wylder laughed. “Show up on my doorstep without pizza. Anytime. Open invitation.”
Maggie’s heart skipped a beat. He was only talking in a friend-sense, right? But if he had a girlfriend then she would get mad about that. He’d never talked about a girlfriend, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have one. She’d placed him in the friend-zone immediately once they started talking again because of his girlfriend.
“Won’t your girlfriend care if I do that?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“The first time I met you, you took a phone call from your girlfriend.”
“The first time you met me... Oh my god.” He laughed. “That was Morissa. We broke up that night. She freaked out on that phone call and I rushed over to her place thinking something was wrong. It turns out, she was upset because she wasn’t pregnant for our upcoming anniversary. She tried to entrap me and freaked out that it didn’t work. I’ve never seen anything like it. The woman was unstable.”