Page 24 of Maggie
“Like a rock. Sorry, I didn’t mean to doze off like that.”
“It’s okay. I’m glad you got some rest. I know how bad your insomnia can be.”
Come to think of it, she’d fallen asleep without any medicine last night. That hadn’t happened for weeks.
Wylder continued, “Did Buzz wake you? I’m sorry.”
Maggie shook her head. She wouldn’t betray Buzz like that. “The smell of bacon woke me. What are you doing in there?”
“I’m cooking breakfast for you.” He pulled two plates out of the cabinet and turned off the stove. He scooped the contents of the pans onto the plates. “I wasn’t expecting a sleepover so breakfast isn’t gourmet by any means but hopefully it’ll do.”
Wylder crossed the room and placed the plates on the table, then went to the refrigerator.
She said, “I’m sure it’s fine. I don’t expect ‘fancy.’”
Maggie stood from the couch and walked to the table. The steaming plate, a mix of diced potatoes, eggs, chives, cheese, and bacon, looked mouth-watering.
“Not gourmet, my ass,” Maggie said. She looked up at Wylder, who slid a glass of orange juice to her across the table.
He smiled. “I said ‘not gourmet.’ I never said ‘not delicious.’ It’s my mom’s recipe. A quick and easy way to feed morning guests. Simple but tasty.”
Maggie sat in one of the chairs and ate a forkful of the food. A hint of garlic tickled her taste buds. “This is amazing.”
“Thank you.” Wylder sank into a chair and dug into his own food. When he took a sip of his coffee, Maggie realized he’d given her orange juice without asking.
“What if I wanted coffee?” She gestured to the juice.
She didn’t want coffee — it made her a hyperactive basket case — but she had to tease him.
Wylder shook his head no. He remained calm and collected, like normal. “Hell no. You’ve told me how jittery coffee makes you. I’m not doing it.”
Maggie laughed. “You act like I don’t handle caffeine well.”
“You don’t. You’ve told me. I’m taking your word for it.” He stared at her and drank another sip of his coffee.
She held up her hands in a surrender gesture. “It’s okay. I don’t like coffee, anyway.” She picked up her glass and sipped her orange juice.
“Good, ‘cause you aren’t getting any from me.” He smiled, set his mug on the table, and dug into his breakfast.
Buzz put his head into Maggie’s lap. She glanced down. His eyes begged her for food and couldn’t resist. When Wylder wasn’t looking, she snuck a piece of bacon to Buzz, who happily took it and disappeared under the table.
“You made a friend for life,” Wylder said. “That dog will follow you to the end of the world now. Bacon is his weakness.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Wylder laughed. “I see. Someone else gave Buzz bacon.”
“Definitely.” She smirked then closed her lips around a bite of food. She slid the fork from her mouth and moaned. “So good.”
He grinned. “I’ll tell Mom you approve. She’ll be thrilled. What are your plans for today?”
“I’m supposed to go see my mom today. She lives about 20 minutes outside of town. What about you?”
“I’m going to show my face in the tattoo shop and socialize for a few, go buy some flowers for my niece, then come back here and paint most of the day. Pretty dull. Tonight, my niece Kelsey has the lead in her school play so I’m attending that. She and I spent hours rehearsing for the part. I’m definitely attending, and I’m taking that girl a huge bouquet of flowers afterward. She’s going to feel like a rockstar.” He winked at Maggie.
“I love the idea. But you’ll be making her feel like a different rock star. No one has ever given me a bouquet of flowers after a show.”
She nodded. “I’m part of the band, sure, but since I’m the keyboardist I’m not as noticeable. The others stand out. I blend in. I’m not recognized as often. I’m okay with that.”
“Huh. I didn’t expect that.” He stared at her with a puzzled look on his face.
“I watched a few videos from your band’s live shows. I thought you shined the brightest out of the whole band.”
Maggie blushed. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m buying you flowers after your next show. Promise.” He smiled at her then stuffed a forkful of food in his mouth.