Page 50 of Maggie
Chapter 15
Wylder watched Lovely Oblivion perform from backstage on The Rock Hour. The make-up artists did phenomenal work and made the band members all look like the professional rock stars they were. They’d dressed Maggie in a purple sparkly vest, purple eyeshadow, and long black pants. Even so minimally made up, she stole his breath away.
On cue, the band rocked one of their top songs. Highlight lights flashed the stage. Maggie looked magical up there.
As much as he wanted to go-with-the-flow, doubts began to cross Wylder’s mind. Maybe he’d been right from the start. Maggie was beautiful and they could be great together, but her life was chaotic and adventurous. Sure, she had an apartment for the few months of the year that she wasn’t on the road, but she literally lived out of a bus and traveled across the country. He’d told Maggie that he would try to be in a relationship with her, but this wasn’t his world. He didn’t know if he could live this life.
Jade broke into an amazing drum solo. The audience cheered unscripted when she finished. Wylder’s heart sank. The fans loved Lovely Oblivion. Their managers would try to keep them performing for as long as possible.
Wylder liked Maggie. A lot. But maybe they weren’t right for each other right now. Maybe when she stopped touring, if the record label ever allowed them to stop. He definitely couldn’t live the touring lifestyle; he found too much comfort in his routine to do this regularly. Could he stay home and wait for Maggie to return from tour? Could he settle for phone calls and the random visit when breaks allowed? He wasn’t so sure.
Wylder waited while the band finished the song and did an interview with the host. Everything sounded amazing, so he knew the band would get good press from this.
He pulled his phone from his pocket and texted Zeke.
Wylder: Got a minute?
Zeke: I got a few before my next apptmt, what’s up?
Wylder: You know I’m in NY right now with Maggie. I’m having doubts that I can live this lifestyle
Zeke: Did Maggie do something?
Wylder: No, she’s been great. I’m thinking about the lifestyle, tho. This is cool for now but I can’t tour permanently. I don’t know if I can wait for her at home either and only see her a few weeks a year
Zeke: It’s a tough situation. You gotta do what’s right for you. Maybe talk to her about it? Compromise?
Wylder: Maybe
Zeke: I gotta go, apptmt is here. Call me later
Wylder: Will do
Wylder shoved his phone back into his pocket and waited for the band to finish. He needed to have a conversation with Maggie.
* * *
“It’s not fancy, but it’s mine,” Maggie said as she unlocked the door to her apartment.
The door opened into the living room, a kitchen with an eat-in table set to the right, and a hallway led back to the rest of the apartment. A couch and coffee stand set in front of the TV and framed posters of bands and movies lined the walls. The apartment was cozy.
“It’s nice,” Wylder said. He swallowed hard with guilt when Maggie smiled at him. He’d already made up his mind about what he had to do.
Maggie wheeled her suitcase inside behind them and shut the door. He set his duffle bag on the floor.
She said, “Make yourself comfortable. I had a housekeeper come in this morning so there should be food in the fridge and clean towels in the bathroom.”
Nausea gurgled in his stomach. He gestured to the couch. “Come sit down with me for a minute.”
Her smile faded. “What’s wrong?”
“Let’s sit down.”
“Wylder, that’s as bad as ‘we need to talk.’ Tell me what’s going on. You’re scaring me.”
He hated the scared look on her face. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.