Page 53 of Maggie
Wylder shook his head. “It’s over, dad. There’s too much uncertainty.”
Aubrey appeared at the kitchen door. “I have the TV on in here and saw where Maggie kissed some guy and the paparazzi caught it. It’s crazy what these reporters see.”
Maggie kissed someone else? Jealousy shot through him and Wylder growled.
Aubrey pointed at him. “You were the guy, dumbass. Told you breaking up wasn’t the answer.”
She disappeared back into the kitchen.
Wylder covered his face with his hands. What if he’d made the wrong decision?
* * *
Two weeks later
“Dude, are you okay?” Zeke patted Wylder’s face where he lay in bed.
Wylder moaned and tried to turn over. His head throbbed, and he wanted more whiskey.
“Nope, you’re getting up and you’re taking a shower,” Zeke said. He grabbed Wylder by the arm and tugged. A whiff of Wylder’s sheets hit Zeke in the face and a couple empty bottles of whiskey fell on the floor. “Whew! How much booze have you had?”
“Not enough,” Wylder protested. “Go away. Unless you brought more whiskey.”
“No. Buzz texted me an SOS. Get your ass out of bed. I’ll make you a hair-of-dog for your hangover.”
“Buzz is fine. I’m taking care of him. He wouldn’t betray me like that. Leave me alone.”
Zeke rolled his eyes. “Leave it to you that the only thing you got out of that is that your dog texted me. Fine, it wasn’t Buzz; Aubrey asked me to check on your ass. Plus, I haven’t seen you in a week. This isn’t you. Get your ass up and get in the shower. We’re going to clean this place and you’re going to tell me what the fuck is happening.” He tugged on Wylder again, who fell off the bed onto the floor.
“Ouch, you fuck!”
“Get. Up.” Zeke left him on the floor and went into the bathroom to turn on the shower.
Wylder groaned and rubbed a hand over his eyes. His head pounded and the light made it worse.
He closed them and was almost asleep again when Zeke came back.
Zeke hoisted Wylder to his feet and started stripping his clothes off. Wylder vaguely recognized them as clothes he’d put on days ago... he wasn’t sure how many, but he’d slept a few times since then.
Zeke stripped everything but Wylder’s boxers and stumbled with his drunk friend to the shower. He helped Wylder step under the stream of water.
Wylder moaned as the water flowed onto his aching body, turned his face to the stream, and stood there enjoying the hot water.
“I’m only doing this because you’re my friend and you’re out of it so you need me, okay?” Zeke grumbled. He washed Wylder’s hair then soaped up a washcloth and scrubbed Wylder’s body. When all the soap was gone, he turned off the water. “Feel better?” he asked.
“I feel more human.” And more sober, he thought but didn’t say.
“Good, that’s progress.” He handed Wylder a dry towel. “Dry off and get dressed. I’ll go make something for your hangover.”
Wylder grunted thanks.
Zeke laughed and left the bathroom.
Wylder stripped off his wet boxers and dried off. He tossed the towel on the floor and headed into the bedroom to get dressed.
He pulled on an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt without even looking at them, then he wandered barefoot into the hallway.
Buzz met him at the door, immediately licking his hand. Wylder patted his head and continued toward the kitchen.