Page 26 of Poles Apart
“Well, he’s obviously back. He wants to talk to you; shall I tell him you don’t want to talk to any ‘freaking perverts from the club’?” Jason teased, laughing and doing a bad impression of my drunken voice.
“Don’t you bloody dare!” I cried, gripping Lucie’s arm and jumping up and down in excitement.
“Okay, I’ll put him on,” Jason agreed.
“What’s going on?” Lucie asked, prying my fingers from her arm and wincing.
“Carson wants to talk to me. He’s at the club!” I squealed, grinning like a mad woman, ignoring the rest of my friends who were looking at me like I was crazy.
I heard Jason talking away from the phone and then the most beautiful voice in the world came on the line, making my heart beat a little faster and the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
“Hey, Em.”
“Hey, baby. What are you doing there? I thought you were in Dorset today?” I asked, sighing dreamily and already planning my escape to the club so I could see him.
“I was. I finished early. So, you’re obviously having a great birthday…”
I nodded, and then remembered he couldn’t see me so I giggled at myself. “Yeah, it’s good.”
He chuckled. “You sound drunk.”
“I’m not drunk!” I moved my arm, gesturing the fact I wasn’t that wasted, and accidently slopped half my drink over Joe’s shoe. I giggled and looked at him apologetically. “Okay, maybe I’m a little drunk,” I admitted, mouthing sorry to Joe and handing him a napkin from the bar to dry it.
“Okay. Er… So, I’m out tonight and I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?” Carson asked, sounding a little uncomfortable.
My breath caught. He wanted to see me outside of work again? “Really?”
“Yeah. I don’t want to intrude on your night out with the girls or anything. Maybe it’s not a good idea; I just wanted to get you a drink for your birthday. You can say no if you want to,” he said.
Say no, is he serious? “Hell yeah!” I cried excitedly.
He laughed, probably at my embarrassing enthusiasm. “Okay, great. Just tell me where you are then; I’ll come meet you.”
“We’re at Lloyds. You know it?” I asked, trying to think of directions from the club in case I needed to tell him.
“Yeah, I know it.”
I grinned. “Okay. Well, when you get in here, we’re over on the right-hand side, near the bar,” I said, biting my lip and trying not to squeal like a little girl on Christmas morning.
“Right. See you in a bit then.” He disconnected the call and I turned back to Lucie, barely able to breathe through my excitement. I really didn’t think I was seeing him again until next weekend, so this was the best birthday present ever.
“Holy shit. He’s coming here to buy me a birthday drink!” I hissed. My stomach was fluttering, which actually didn’t mix too well with the alcohol I’d consumed.
Lucie grinned. “Awesome! Now that’s put a smile on your frustrated face,” she teased, winking at me.
We barely had time to down two more shots before someone touched the small of my back. I turned excitedly, and there he was. The love of my life, father of my child, and the one who made my heart soar. I squealed and threw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, bouncing on the spot.
He laughed and hugged me back, kissing my shoulder softly. “Hey. Happy birthday,” he breathed, pulling back but leaving his arms around my waist.
I giggled and nodded. “It is now!” I confirmed, making him smirk at me. I bit my lip and groaned. Damn it, I shouldn’t have said that!
He looked over my shoulder and smiled at Lucie. “Hey, how’s the night going? Looks like you’re having a good time,” he said to her, laughing and tracing his hand up my back.
Lucie laughed and nodded. “It’s good. I promised her brother I’d get her good and drunk, so I’ve done my job.”
Carson laughed and I leant on him heavily. Pressing my face into the side of his neck, I breathed in his smell I had missed so much since last night. My fingers tangled into the back of his hair. “Looks like you have,” he confirmed.
I pulled away, grabbing his hand and introducing him to my friends who, coincidently, were all completely looking at him in awe and practically eye raping him. The guy who had been doing shots all night - I think his name was Logan, but I couldn’t be sure - just stared at him with his mouth hanging open like a total moron. Joe, on the other hand, frowned and looked him over slowly. For some reason, he didn’t seem to like Carson.
After a couple more drinks, Carson thought it would be a good idea to buy a round of flaming Sambucas. I looked at mine, eyeing the little fire which burnt on the top of it. I was actually a little scared to drink it, which seemed to amuse Carson. He wasn’t even drinking tonight; he was driving apparently, so he stuck to Pepsi.
Lucie laughed and counted to three. On three, we all blew out the flames and downed the drink. I winced as it burnt my throat and I knew that one drink would be my downfall. I could already feel the after-effects of the alcohol I’d consumed. I wasn’t used to drinking, so this was more than I had probably ever drunk. I was definitely going to throw up in the morning.
I clung to Carson, who was standing just behind me, laughing and making little jokes in my ear, flirting outrageously with me while one arm wrapped securely around my waist. “Oh, man, I shouldn’t have drunk that. You’re a bad influence on me, Mr Matthews,” I teased, tapping my finger on the tip of his nose. He smirked at me, shooting me that devilish little smile I loved so much, and I swooned internally.