Page 14 of Thorn & Ash
Lagos straightened. “So, what do you command of me, my queen?”
Prue’s eyebrows lifted. “What?”
“I am yours to command.” The words were stiff, as if rehearsed. Those dark eyes wouldn’t meet her gaze.
Prue frowned. She could order him to release her. But with Cyrus possessed by that strange darkness, she had no one on her side in this realm. No allies. No friends. If Lagos freed her, she would no longer be chained up, but she would still be utterly and completely alone. How hard would it be for Cyrus to send someone to lock her up once again?
“No,” Prue said slowly. “I won’t force you to do anything against your will.”
Lagos was silent for a long moment. “Why not? You are in chains. Surely, you wish to be freed?”
This is definitely a test, Prue thought. But was it Lagos who was testing her, or Cyrus? Was Lagos here on Cyrus’s orders?
“Of course I do,” Prue said. “But not that way. There’s enough darkness and evil deeds going on down here. I don’t wish to add to that. That’s not how I would rule.”
Lagos snorted. “Perhaps when you’ve lived for thousands of years as I have, you will feel differently.”
Prue chuckled. “Perhaps.” She squinted at him, assessing him. “What would you do, as ruler of this domain? Would you order your subjects to obey you?”
Lagos considered this, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Maybe some of them. Not all subjects are the same. Some of the more rebellious ones might require a firm hand. But… no. I would not compel everyone to obey.”
Interesting, Prue thought. “Would you help me identify these more rebellious subjects you speak of?”
“Is that an order?”
Lagos hesitated again. “You wish for me to be your advisor?”
Prue almost laughed at the word. Here she was, starving and sitting in her own filth, plotting ways to rule this kingdom. As if Cyrus would allow her to do that.
Allow me? He does not allow me to do anything. I make my own choices. Determination rose up inside her, quelling all weakness and exhaustion, squashing her doubts and uncertainties. She was the Queen of the Underworld. Even if Cyrus wouldn’t recognize it, there were others here who would.
“Yes,” Prue said firmly. “If you help me get out of here, you will be named my most esteemed advisor. I will release you from your position in Tartarus and you can work alongside me instead. That is, if you accept. I will not force you.”
Lagos stared at her, motionless, for several moments. Prue resisted the urge to fidget under his gaze, her nerves twisting inside her as she feared he would reject her proposal. What would she do if he turned and walked away? She had no other options.
“If I accept,” Lagos said, “it will anger His Highness.”
Prue smirked. “Yes, it will. But you would be under my jurisdiction. Surely, the magic of this realm will recognize that?” This was speculation, of course. Prue had no idea what the magic here would do. But she had to have a contingency plan; if Lagos worked for her, she couldn’t risk Cyrus punishing him for it.
“It will. But we will have to forge an agreement in blood.”
Icy coldness crept into Prue’s chest. Another blood bargain? Her insides churned at the thought.
But what choice did she have? She needed allies.
“All right,” she said. “I’ll see that it’s done.”
“Then, I accept.”
Lagos strode forward and set the bowl of stew in front of her. Prue’s stomach rumbled again, but she held back as Lagos jammed something into the lock of her chains. She flinched when the metal cut into her just before the cuffs sprang open, clattering to the floor.
Prue exhaled with relief, rubbing her raw and bleeding wrists. “Before we do anything else,” she said, pointing to the bowl in front of her, “do you mind if I eat that?”
Prue could’ve sworn Lagos’s mouth twitched in a smile, making him appear more human. “Of course, my queen.”