Page 45 of Thorn & Ash
A few demons shouted their assent.
“I’m sorry, but where is your king?” Prue said, her voice rising. “Is he here to make the same claim that I am not needed here?” She spread her hands, waiting. “Well?”
Utter silence filled the room.
“I am bound to Osiris as his wife and mate,” Prue said, rising from her throne. The dais granted her a few feet of height above the crowd, and she relished the feeling of towering over them. “You can ask him yourself. We have sealed our bond in the most permanent manner—in flesh and blood.”
Several demons gasped, and Prue found herself smirking. Yes, let them talk.
“Now, those of you who object to my being here: can you honestly say there is nothing you wouldn’t change about this realm?” Prue challenged. “Is all well here? Is this truly the utopia you desire?” Her eyebrows lifted.
No one said a word. As the silence stretched on, Prue felt her courage mounting.
“I thought so,” she said. “Now, as demons, I would think you would be happy for this occasion. One of your own is being elevated in rank to work alongside me. Isn’t that cause for celebration? Imagine what this could do for your people! This is one of the many changes I hope to inspire as queen of this realm.”
Someone started clapping again, but it wasn’t Trivia this time. It was a demon standing in front, his eyes shining with delight. Several others joined in until, once more, the room was filled with raucous applause, though much more enthusiastic than before. Prue found herself beaming at the crowd, counting this as a small victory. She raised a hand as the applause died down, calling for silence once more.
“Your hand, Lagos,” Prue said, fixing her gaze on the demon still bowed before her.
Lagos extended his hand to her. Prue reached for the ceremonial dagger resting on the small table beside the throne. She unsheathed it, then pressed it into Lagos’s finger until a bead of blood welled up.
“State your terms, Lagos.” Prue’s heart thundered madly as she waited for him to speak. Would he insert something new into the agreement? What would she do if he did?
Would he try to trick her? To trap her in a bargain that would enslave her?
Her head was buzzing with nerves, and she swallowed hard in an attempt to clear her thoughts.
“I, Lagos, warden of Tartarus and citizen of the Underworld, pledge myself and my services to Prudence Donati, Queen of the Underworld, as her advisor to serve in whatever capacity she requires. In exchange, I humbly request for her protection and loyalty for myself and the demons of this realm.”
Prue raised her eyebrows. A humble request indeed. He didn’t indicate payment or status. He didn’t even demand a residence in the palace.
Her insides still quivered with unease as she tried to detect something hidden in his words. But as Lagos fell silent, Prue struggled to find anything sinister in his side of the bargain.
Clearing her throat, Prue pressed the dagger into her own finger until blood trickled down her hand. “I, Prudence Donati, Queen of the Underworld, accept Lagos, former warden of Tartarus and resident of the Underworld, as my advisor and pledge to protect him as one of my subjects.” She glanced at Lagos, who inclined his head in agreement.
They pressed their hands together, their blood mingling. Power thrummed in Prue’s veins, and she sucked in a breath from the intensity of it, her insides quivering. Goddess, she had missed the feeling of magic in the air. Even if it wasn’t hers, she savored the sensation. Her skin prickled and her blood sang as energy swirled between her and Lagos, twining around their joined hands.
The audience gasped as they no doubt felt it, too. Several demons stared wide-eyed at Prue and Lagos.
“The bargain is complete,” Prue said with a smile, releasing Lagos’s hand and placing the dagger on the table. “Rise, Lagos, the first member of my court!”
Scattered applause sounded across the chamber as Lagos stood alongside Prue, the corners of his mouth lifting in a smile.
With a loud crash, the doors to the throne room banged open, and Cyrus strode inside, wearing a blood-red cloak and a crown of bones atop his head. His eyes were all-black as he surveyed the room.
“Well, well,” he said. “Isn’t this nice? A ceremony held behind my back.” He flashed his teeth in a cruel smile.
Prue inhaled sharply at the sight of him, instantly stepping away from Lagos. “Cyrus,” she whispered.
Except it wasn’t him at all; this was Kronos.
“Wife,” Cyrus spat. “It was quite rude of you not to extend an invitation to your husband.”
Prue’s mind roared, but she willed it to be silent. She had considered this a possibility, and she had a plan. She met Cyrus’s glare head-on and challenged, “What will you do, oh great king? Will you clap me in irons again? Throw me in the dungeon and keep me as your prisoner? I’m sure many here can attest that you’ve already done that.”
Shocked murmurs rippled through the crowd. Several looked abashed, including Lagos.
Cyrus’s jaw went rigid. “You are trying to usurp me. To take my throne from me. This realm has never had a queen, and here you are, turning my subjects against me.”