Page 16 of Oak & Ember
“So, I want to inspect the magic surrounding the village. If Pandora’s magic is looking for a way in, it would likely be in a location no one would expect.”
Sol stroked the beard on his chin and nodded. “Yes, that does make sense.”
Pandora blinked, unsettled by this reaction. “Um. Thank you.”
“Oh, calm down. That wasn’t a compliment.”
Pandora rolled her eyes. “So, what do you think? Can we move forward with my idea?”
Sol only continued to stroke his beard, his expression twisting in a grimace. She just knew he was going to find another reason to argue with her.
She needed to try another tactic. They were butting heads too much on this.
She needed to become the humble Hecate, as much as she despised pandering to the whims of someone like Sol.
With a deep breath, she said, “Look. We’ve been assigned to work together. We may not like each other, but this is important. You love Elysium, don’t you?”
Frowning, Sol nodded.
“Good. So, I imagine you don’t want it destroyed like the Underworld. Well, I don’t, either. Watching one realm die was traumatic enough. I’m here to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen here. Can’t we just agree to be civil to one another, at least until this task is finished? Then we can part ways and go on hating each other for as long as we desire.”
Sol didn’t answer for a long moment. His dark eyes were contemplative as he considered her offer. She honestly didn’t know what she would do if he argued further. She wasn’t sure she had any kindness left in her for this despicable man.
At long last, he said, “I don’t hate you.”
Pandora’s head reared back. She hadn’t expected that. “You don’t?” Well, he certainly had a funny way of showing it.
“No. I may dislike you… But it’s impossible for me to hate a beautiful woman.”
It took Pandora a full minute to register his words. He found her beautiful? Her cheeks warmed from the directness of his words.
But indignation quickly followed. How vain was he to let a person’s looks influence his opinion of them?
A slow smile spread across his face. “Ah, I’ve rendered you speechless. Another one of my talents.”
Pandora groaned. “There he is. I was worried the real Sol had vanished and been replaced by an imposter.”
Sol laughed, his eyes crinkling with warmth. “See? If you didn’t take yourself so seriously, Trivia, you might actually have a bit of fun.”
“The magic of Pandora has already destroyed one realm, and you want to have fun?”
He shrugged. “If we die tomorrow, that’s all the more reason to seek enjoyment while we can. Wouldn’t you like to do something bold and exciting and… passionate in your last hours?” That dark, heady look returned, the one that made Pandora’s knees go weak.
She tried to take a steadying breath, but her inhale was shaky. Sweat collected on her palms, and she wiped them on her skirt once more.
He was toying with her because it unsettled her. Why was she allowing him to do this? Toying with people was her specialty.
She forced a chuckle and shook her head, as if she found his flirting to be endearing. “Ah, Sol, as flattering as your proposition is, if I were to take a tumble with someone in this castle, it would certainly not be you.”
His eyebrows lifted as if he were merely curious instead of insulted. “Oh? And why is that?”
“I prefer to spend my passionate nights with someone who doesn’t treat me like a cockroach under their shoe.”
Sol huffed a laugh. “I’ve been perfectly civil toward you since you arrived.”
“Well, that’s certainly untrue, but I’m referring to before.” When Sol frowned, she added, “The last time I was here? Do you not recall?”
Sol’s gaze turned distant, and he tilted his head back, his expression thoughtful. After a moment, his eyes widened. “Oh! Yes, I recall. You asked if you could accompany me with my apprentice work, yes?”