Page 26 of Oak & Ember
Hestia nodded firmly. “We shall investigate the other. Come, my child, we haven’t a moment to lose. If this Evander is in as much peril as you say, then we must find him as soon as possible.” She stretched her arm toward Mona, gesturing for her to follow.
Mona hesitated again, biting her lip.
Hestia frowned. “What is it?”
“What—What will I owe you in exchange for your help?”
Hestia blinked, before a slow smile spread across her face. “Ah. You have dealt with deity bargains before, haven’t you? Smart girl.” She drew herself up to her full height, towering over Mona with a fierce expression on her face. “I only ask that, when you have unlocked the full powers of the Triple Goddess, you will consider me your ally.”
Mona felt the blood drain from her face. “Unlocked the… what?” She suddenly felt faint. What was Hestia talking about?
Hestia smiled again. “You think I don’t know whose blood runs in your veins?”
Terror washed over Mona, making her skin feel prickly. “I—I?—”
Hestia leaned in, her eyes now gentle. “I’m your ally, remember? I mean you no harm.”
Mona shook her head. “You must be mistaken. I don’t know how to unlock any sort of power, let alone the Triple Goddess’s.”
Hestia’s eyes glinted as if she knew something Mona didn’t. “Not yet. But you will. Do I have your word?”
Mona was still reeling over this revelation. Unlock the Triple Goddesses’s power? How the hell was she supposed to do that?
But Hestia was looking at her, eyebrows raised, as she waited for a response.
“Um, if I somehow manage to unlock the power of the Triple Goddess,” Mona said carefully, “then, I swear to you, Hestia the fire goddess, that I will consider you an ally. Unless you seek to harm myself or those I love.”
Hestia grinned and bowed her head to Mona. It was a strange thing to see such a gesture performed by someone so powerful. “Well worded, little witch. I humbly accept your offer. Come now, let us find your Evander and send him home.”
With a swish of her skirt, Hestia turned and strode down the cobblestone path. Mona lingered for a moment before following after, terrified that she had just made a very grave mistake.
The instant Sol and Pandora entered the bustling square, the commotion died, and hushed whispers fell around them. One by one, the townsfolk sank to their knees, uttering Sol’s name in reverence.
Pandora stiffened, then glanced over her shoulder at the sun god. He had a gentle, demure smile on his face, a hand pressed to his chest as if the people’s praise warmed his heart.
Suddenly, it all made sense. This was why he visited the village.
He wanted to be worshiped.
Rage boiled her blood, and before she could stop herself, Pandora spread her hands wide and said loudly, “Don’t stop the revelry on our account! We are only two lesser gods on an assignment. Please, continue your merriment and treat us as nothing more than the lackeys that we are.” She winked conspiratorially at Sol as if they were sharing a private joke.
To her delight, his jaw was taut, his eyes flaring with irritation.
Several people muttered in confusion to one another, glancing between Sol and Pandora.
With a sigh, Sol said, “My companion speaks the truth. I am not here to converse with you. We are just passing through. Sadly, I cannot hear your concerns or praises today.”
Concerns? Pandora had to refrain from rolling her eyes. She doubted Sol would do a damn thing about these people’s concerns. He was only here to inflate his ego.
Sol waved his hand. “Please, continue! My companion here has never seen market day before. We must show her all we have to offer here in Amara.” He flashed a wide grin, and his words were met with cheers.
And just like that, the music resumed, and the people moved about, continuing with their business. Aside from a few curious glances toward Sol and Pandora, they seemed perfectly at ease.
“Amara?” Pandora asked Sol as she watched a vendor haggle with a woman over the price of beads.