Page 58 of Oak & Ember
Pandora’s eyes snapped open. She straightened, finding Sol standing next to her, sipping from his own flute of champagne. He was dressed in a luminous gold uniform with gleaming buttons and embroidery on the sleeves and collar. The glow from his attire brought out the honey tones of his hair and the warm hue of his tan skin. Overall, he looked luminous. More radiant than the sun.
It took her breath away, and all she could do was stare.
Sol smirked over the rim of his glass. “I’ve rendered you speechless, I see. Yes, this uniform does have that effect on women. It’s why I only wear it on special occasions. If I wore it too often, women would be fainting at my feet constantly. It would be such a bother.”
Irritation flared, igniting her blood, and she finally found her voice. “It’s a relief to see you’re still an arrogant prick. I worried after our encounter in the library that I’d permanently damaged you.” She relished the way his hand tightened around his glass. It was almost an imperceptible motion, but she noticed it.
Her words had struck him.
“I am far more resilient than that,” Sol said, his tone still smug. But Pandora caught the way his eyes darkened slightly.
“Are you?” Pandora leaned closer, a smile quirking her lips. “Because it really felt like I was on the verge of… breaking you.” She flicked her tongue along her lower lip, and Sol’s breath hitched.
Oh, yes, she certainly had him.
Music rang in the ballroom, a sweeping, flowing melody. All around them, couples peeled away from the crowd to fill the dance floor. Pandora placed her flute on a nearby tray and gathered her skirts, hoping to escape before she was coerced into dancing.
Before she could flee, however, Sol caught her arm.
“Ah, you didn’t think you could get away from me so easily, did you?” His eyes glinted as he tugged her arm, bringing her into his chest.
Her hands came out, pressing against the firm muscles of his torso before she smacked right into him. Their faces were inches apart, and her breathing turned sharp.
“Come, Trivia. Dance with me.”
Pandora couldn’t protest, even if she wanted to. Sol steered her to the dance floor, his steps smooth and graceful, his eyes never leaving hers. When he stretched his arm out, his fingers lacing with hers, her body went rigid.
“Don’t fret,” Sol said, his smile widening. “Just follow my lead.”
Pandora snorted. “Follow your lead?”
He arched an eyebrow. “Do you know the steps, dear Trivia?”
Pandora fell silent, her mouth clamping shut as she scowled at him.
“That’s what I thought.”
The dance began, and Pandora scrambled to keep up with his steps. They turned and twisted, his arm guiding hers. At first, she fought to maintain control, but after a moment, she relaxed, finally giving in. She let him steer her, controlling their movements. Her feet followed his. She turned when he turned. And gradually, she slid into the flow of the music. She even felt a smile tugging at her lips.
“There we go,” Sol said, smug as ever. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Only because I kept expecting you to let me fall flat on my face.”
He clicked his tongue at her, pausing as he twirled her. She spun, her skirts swishing, and returned to his chest, a bit closer than she’d been before. “You really think I would disgrace myself with a clumsy dance partner?”
“Ah, of course. It’s only to protect your image. How could I forget?”
His eyes warmed. “I suppose that’s how it is between us, isn’t it?”
“This dance between us. I lead, you lead. I push, you pull. One step forward, one step back.”
Pandora raised her eyebrows. “You see it as a dance? I see it as more of a battle. An exchange of blows.”
His hand tightened around her waist, bringing her closer until her breasts were flush against him. Each breath had her chest rising, pushing on his. She could feel his pulse hammering, keeping rhythm with hers. “Yes,” he said, his voice a low murmur. “If I recall correctly, I had you pinned against a wall. Powerless and desperate.”
Her eyes narrowed. “And if I recall correctly, I had you disarmed and helpless, begging me for mercy.” She leaned in, her lips brushing his ear. “Begging her for mercy.”