Page 26 of Calling the Play
“That’s my good girl,” I praised, plucking her nipples in reward since I knew it would make her pussy slick with arousal.
I picked up her left hand and set it on her chest, just above her breasts. “Keep it there, lass. I want to see the proof that you’re mine while I claim this tight little pussy and brand you by filling your womb with my come.”
Lorna moaned, and her legs tried to close, but I pushed her thighs as wide as they would go. She was so fucking perfect for me. I loved that my filthy mouth and dominant ways in bed drove her wild.
I wanted to savor this moment, to show her how much I loved and adored her by taking her soft and sweet right after putting my ring on her finger. But the Neanderthal inside me was revved up at the sight of it, and I was losing the battle to remain in control.
“Marry me,” I growled as I stretched out over her.
“I already agreed,” she replied with a gasp when I teased her opening with the head of my cock.
“This weekend,” I clarified.
Lorna blinked a few times as she stared up at me, clearly stunned at my request. “I…”
“I love you more than anything in this entire world, Lorna. I don’t want to wait any longer to make you officially mine. I want to start our life together now…and besides”—my smile turned smug—“you’re probably already pregnant.”
Lorna’s cheeks bloomed with red, and she glanced away, biting her pouty, kiss-swollen bottom lip.
“Lorna?” talking her chin between my thumb and index finger, I narrowed my eyes. “Look at me.”
Her entire face turned pink as she met my gaze. I thought about earlier when I’d told her I would give her my baby. I thought her reaction was from desire, but maybe that was also a blush…
“Are you pregnant, lass?”
“I…I’m not sure. I’m, um, a few days late, and I’m never late.”
Happiness exploded inside me and coursed through my body. “You’re carrying my baby.” My voice was full of wonder as I slowly scooted down Lorna’s body until I hovered over her stomach. Reverently, I kissed the skin around her belly button, then laid my head down. “I love you, mo stór. And I absolutely adore your beautiful mommy. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch alive.”
Lorna cuffed me on the back of the head, and I glanced up at her in surprise. She was frowning, but her green orbs twinkled with love and amusement.
“You’re going to have to watch your language when we have a baby,” she chastised.
“Babies,” I corrected as I returned to my earlier position, covering her from head to toe.
“Babies?” she repeated, wearing a hopeful smile.
“As many as you’ll give me.”
“Let’s start with one,” she laughed.
“Then I guess we better get to practicing for the rest.”
I’d never been a huge football fan, but that changed when I met Cole. It was impossible not to fall in love with the sport that meant so much to him. Or not to root for his team as they went all the way on to win a championship again. Any year, it was a huge accomplishment, but doing it back-to-back was an even bigger deal. Which was why Lennox and Brielle were throwing a huge party at their estate to celebrate the team.
Their place was big enough to host the hundreds of people they’d invited, including all of the players, staff, and their families. I’d met many of them already over the past six months, but the crowd was still a little overwhelming. Luckily, I’d also made some good friends with wives on the team, and Rory had led me to a bistro set on a small patio off the side of the house for a little quiet time.
“Thanks for the save.” I stretched my legs out and leaned against the back of my chair.
“Us pregnant women need to stick together.” She beamed a smile at me as she set her drink on the table. “Sneaking away for a little break was just what I needed, too.”
“Want to place a bet on how long it will take until one or both of our husbands come looking for us?” I asked.
“Nah.” She shook her head with a laugh. “We both know it won’t be very long at all.”