Page 9 of One Taste
The temperatures were dipping, so I scooted my butt forward to get closer to the fire. Huck’s gentle laugh had me looking over my shoulder at him to find him shaking his head.
With his legs spread, he patted the blanket between them. A ripple of giddy excitement raced through me. I shifted, nestling myself in the enclosure of his legs, his muscled chest flat against my back. Huck propped his arms on his knees, and I relaxed into him.
“Thanks,” I whispered. He only hummed behind me as I watched the fire dance. Sylvie, the woman who worked behind the bakery counter, sat on a nearby piece of driftwood. When our eyes met, I raised my hand to say hello.
“Good to see you again.” Her smile was sly, and her eyes flicked up to her boss. “Glad you’re liking Outtatowner.”
Warmth spread from my neck down my torso. Every point of contact between Huck and me was burning. I shifted, my bottom nestling dangerously close to his front. When he went to adjust, I gripped his forearms and wound them around me.
His head rested against my shoulder. “Warm enough?”
Goose bumps erupted all over my skin as his rough voice seeped into me. “This is perfect.”
My toes dug into the blanket, and my mind tumbled in every direction. I had never wanted a man so badly. So completely. Huck lived in a tourist town, so he was likely used to women fawning all over him, but the sudden and overpowering attraction I felt for him was completely new for me.
For delicious minutes, we sat in silence, listening to the music and watching the fire burn. Embers drifted upward, and when my head tipped back to watch them against the night sky, my head rested on Huck’s shoulder. His nose brushed down the column of my neck, his lips dangerously close to the thin skin there.
His arms held me tighter. I closed my eyes, no longer concerned with the burning embers but with the warmth spreading between my thighs.
“Dance with me.” Lifted from my fog, I felt his voice rumble from his chest and through my back as he stood.
Couples dotted the sandy surface as they swayed and moved to the music. Huck offered his hand and helped me to my feet. With one step, I was wrapped in his arms. The music flowed from the guitar, and I was lost in his eyes.
Rich pools of aqua and sky blue were offset by the navy sky.
“You look good in my shirt.”
My smile widened. “I like it.”
His eyes moved over my face. “I like this.”
My gaze moved to his lips, mesmerized by the way they were just out of reach. After his head dipped, so slightly, my eyes closed.
Yes. Please, yes.
A harsh shove from behind had me calling out and gripping Huck’s sides for stability.
He immediately moved me behind his large frame and stepped forward. “What the fuck, man?” Barely restrained anger radiated from his every pore.
Two men were in a shoving match, and Huck was getting in one of their faces. I recognized the man as the one from in front of the tattoo shop. “You knocked into my girl.”
More shouting and shoving and then a fist went flying. Huck had punched him square in the jaw, and my eyes widened seeing the intimidating man flat on his ass.
Huck was pissed. Possessive and so fucking hot.
More people gathered, and one stepped in front of Huck, his hand on his chest.
Shouting continued as Huck raised his hand and yelled over the guy’s shoulder. “Take your shit somewhere else.”
I gently placed a hand on his back. The tense muscles rippled under my palm.
He turned on me, framing my face in his hands. “Are you okay?”
I nodded and swallowed the lump lodged in my throat.
Huck wrapped my hand in his and moved away from the fire. “Let’s go.”