Page 28 of Monster Bully
“I have to say I’m a little shocked. I expected Grim to have married a feisty woman, not some simpering doormat,” he tutted.
She clenched her hands into fists and tilted her head to glare up at him. “I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment to you.”
He let out a laugh and winked at her. “Well, it’s not much, but I guess it’ll have to do.”
“Who are you?” Eve asked.
“You don’t know who I am?”
“Grim doesn’t discuss his problems at work,” she said.
The man threw his head back and laughed even harder. She hated that he was loving this. Hated that he had caught her unaware and was so annoyed with herself because she could have totally grabbed a kitchen knife on her escape and could have stabbed him when he caught her. Stupid hindsight.
She wasn’t used to being attacked in the middle of the night. This was all new to her, and she didn’t like it.
“Well, seeing as Grim is not here to make the proper introductions, I will do it myself.” He straightened his shirt, which looked stained and wrinkled as well. He wore a pair of jeans, and his boots had dirt all over them. “The name is Anthony Thistle.”
He held his hand out to her but she didn’t take it. She was still on the ground, watching him.
“Where is your little husband tonight?” he asked.
“Gone to take care of some perverts.”
He reacted faster than she expected as he lifted her up by her hair, and this time, he slapped her four times before letting her go. Each blow seemed to hit harder than the last one.
When he threw her to the ground, she felt dizzy. Not a good insult.
He landed another kick to her body and then moved to sit on the sofa. Eve stayed on the floor, trying to assess her injuries.
“You know, this is boring without your husband to watch, or even to listen.”
Eve heard him clicking and she turned to look at him, to find her cell phone was in his hands. She must have left the damn thing on the kitchen counter.
“Ah, Grim, and I see you’ve written slash Graham.” Anthony burst out laughing. “This is all just too good.”
He grabbed her hair and put the phone to her ear. “When he answers, say hello.”
She didn’t want Grim to know what was happening.
Staring at him, she prayed Grim wouldn’t answer, but of course he did.
Eve cried out as he threw her against the coffee table. This time, she hit the side and it hurt, but she was okay. Collapsing to the floor, she had no choice but to listen to the conversation as he talked about how he would be able to sell her, but she wouldn’t take a great price because of how big she was. The fucking jerk. Asshole.
Eve heard the anger in Grim, and she heard the threat within Anthony. He was going to rape her, and then she looked beneath one of the chairs and she had no idea Grim had done that. There was a weapon beneath one piece of his office furniture.
She didn’t have much time. Reaching out, she felt the handle of the blade and slid it out from the holder. She got to her knees and made it look like she was trying to deal with what he said. His words became a blur as she knew she wouldn’t have a lot of time.
With the blade in her hand, she spun around and imbedded it into his thigh. She didn’t give herself a second to see how deep she had gotten it, or even if it had worked. Hearing him scream, she was on her feet and running. She removed her robe, letting it fall to the floor, and ran to the kitchen.
She was so thankful for the drawers that were push-resistant. No sound was made as she opened them, grabbed two of the biggest knives, then she had no choice but to go into the dining room. Days spent walking this house were suddenly a welcome relief as she knew every single nook and cranny.
Another wave of panic, but she pushed it down. Grim had only just been called, so she didn’t know where he was, or if he was going to be able to help her. She was on her own until he got here.
You can do this.
Armed with two knives, it didn’t seem right.
She heard him in the kitchen and this is when she took off, going back through the main corridor. She didn’t go to Grim’s study, but instead went to the game room that led to the back office where he kept his security cameras.