Page 30 of Monster Bully
“I do,” she said. “I trust you.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and then he took off.
If Anthony had fired out of the house, he had a feeling he’d come out. Grim knew his property inside and out. He’d spent hours studying it, and he moved.
Pulling out his cell phone, he found Eve’s number and dialed it. Amateur. He heard the noise as well as Anthony’s curse, and he was able to locate him.
Without waiting a single second, he charged at Anthony, dropping him to the ground. Grim landed multiple blows, his rage knowing no bounds.
Anthony was unable to escape.
Wrapping his fingers around the man’s thick throat, he stared into his eyes. He felt almost giddy at the satisfaction he felt from the fear staring back at him.
“You know, one of your mistakes was going after children. I have rules, and you disobeyed them, but the biggest mistake you made was coming after my wife.”
Anthony tried to fight him but he was no match against him. Grim had fought with men twice the size of Anthony. He learned how to overpower them. It was easy to do and he didn’t let up.
The truth was, this was disappointing to Grim. He would have loved to spend a lot more time torturing this man, taking body parts from him, chopping him into little pieces, and only when the time was right would he grant him death.
“I am showing you mercy,” he said. “You should be so fucking grateful right now.” He gritted his teeth.
Grim was tempted to let up, to allow him to suck in oxygen to breathe, but he couldn’t do it. Death, quickly and swiftly, would have to come to Anthony. He stared into the bastard’s eyes. He fought but wasn’t any good at defending himself.
Grim choked the life right out of him, and he waited, watching for life to ebb away. Each second that passed, he remembered Eve’s terrified scream. That sound would replay in his head over and over again.
Anthony got what was coming to him, and Grim waited.
Seconds passed, then minutes.
He checked the man’s pulse and when nothing touched his fingers, he felt a sense of relief as he got to his feet and stepped back. This was what he needed to do.
“Eve,” he said, calling out to her.
He had to get her in the house.
Grim turned to her and watched as she stumbled toward him. He went to her, wrapping his arms around her, holding her close, and then walking with her back to the house.
He put the call out to his men, and he discovered Anthony had come alone.
Grim tried to hide the dead bodies from his wife. Good men had lost their lives in trying to defend his wife.
“It’s okay,” Eve said.
But he heard the pain in her voice.
He carried her to his office and was about to place her on the sofa, but saw the blood. He also spotted the bloody knife that he kept hidden under his chair.
“I found it,” Eve said, collapsing into the chair. “While he was talking to you. That’s what I stabbed him with.”
“Good girl,” he said. He was so freaking proud of her.
“You’re not mad?”
“No, why would I be mad? That asshole invaded my home and he hurt you, Eve. He doesn’t deserve to live.” He reached into the drawer of his desk and pulled out the first-aid kit.
Returning to her, he saw the blood dripping from her arm.
“Does it hurt?” he asked.