Page 48 of The Law of Deceit
“You know where I can find them?”
Before Bishop can answer, Montgomery interjects. “Just leave it be, woman. You’re turning over stones and one of these days a snake’s gonna up and bite you.”
Unbelievable and useless.
I’ll figure out who these assholes are and what their problem is on my own.
“I have a surprise for you,” Kaden says as we pull into my neighborhood.
“Oh yeah? What is it?”
He grins at me. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”
I’m not sure what Kaden has done, but my mind won’t let me ponder it. I keep drifting back to Dempsey’s revelation and Tanaka’s subsequent warning. When I pull into the driveway, Dempsey and Gemma’s Tahoe sits right in the middle.
“You invited them over?” I ask in confusion.
“Yeah,” he says with a grin. “To play video games and eat dinner with us. You’re welcome.”
I frown as he climbs out of the vehicle. He’s acting like he did me the favor when he’s the one who craves hanging out with anyone but his dorky aunt. I follow after him. Dempsey steps out of the vehicle, dressed all in black like earlier and wearing a crooked smile that feels just for me.
We hugged.
He touched my hips and then my face.
His closeness had consumed me until Tanaka burst the lusty bubble I was in.
Now, he’s here and we’re away from all the prying eyes of my coworkers. This could mean trouble.
Kaden leads the way with Gemma on his heels. I shoot Dempsey a questioning look to which he shrugs. We go inside my house where Kaden takes Gemma to the game console straight away.
“Order something good, Aunt Sloane,” Kaden instructs from the living room.
I groan as I pull out the food delivery app. Dempsey takes my phone out of my hand and then sets to ordering all the food. I’m actually okay with it because I get damn tired of figuring out what to feed my nephew all the time.
Dempsey sprawls out on the couch while I slip away to my bedroom. I quickly shed my uniform and change into something more comfortable—a pair of yoga pants and a baggy T-shirt. Not exactly my best outfit, but I’m going for comfort, not style.
I tug at the hairband keeping my bun in place and let all my blond tresses loose. After scratching the achiness out of my scalp, I walk back into the living room barefoot.
Dempsey, who’s taking up most of the couch like it’s his throne and he’s the king, drags his ravenous stare up my frame. He must like what he sees—despite it being frumpy and boring—because he bites on the inside corner of his bottom lip, appreciation glimmering in his gaze.
“What?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Nothing. Want to sit outside while we wait on the food?”
I give him a nod and then head for the back door. My back patio is one of my favorite places on earth. It has a breathtaking view of Park’s Peak and backs up to a thickly wooded area. I have neighbors on either side, but they’re both elderly and keep to themselves. It’s about as private as someone on my salary could hope for.
Dempsey makes himself comfortable on my porch swing. Many weekends I sit out here, unwinding from a busy workweek. I’ll just swing and drink iced tea or I’ll piddle in the flower beds. Sometimes I get a wild hair to hack away at firewood for the winter.
“Come sit,” he murmurs, voice deep and husky.
A thrill shoots through me, making my skin flush. Being here alone with Dempsey probably isn’t the smartest idea, but I’m not exactly saying no either. Truth is, I’m beginning to enjoy his presence. I really like being around him.
I plop next to him, our thighs touching. He stretches an arm behind me, resting it on the back of the swing. I have a sudden urge to curl up against him and close my eyes. Of course I don’t do that and instead remain stiff and awkward. I am Sloane Thurman after all.
He shifts and then his fingers are toying with a lock of my hair. I should tell him not to do it, but the truth is, it feels nice. We gently rock as he plays with my hair, neither of us saying anything. It’s peaceful and I do find myself relaxing in his presence. Each muscle slowly loses its tension as my mind clears itself of all the scattered thoughts I’ve been having.
Then his other hand curls around my bicep closest to him. He rubs his thumb over my arm, through my T-shirt. His touch is intimate and promising. I have no business letting him do this.