Page 52 of The Law of Deceit
“Hey,” I rumble. “I see you escaped from your date.”
She smirks as she slowly approaches. The moonlight makes her hair shimmer almost like strands of silver. I want to draw her like this too—grinning, free and ethereal, like a sexy forest nymph.
“Not my date,” she says, stopping just shy of our chests touching. “He pounced on me the second I got here.”
Slowly, I reach for her hips, not eager to scare her off by jumping her bones as soon as she’s in my space. She bites on her bottom lip, looking up at me through her lashes as my hands curl around her waist.
“I missed you,” I murmur, dipping my head low so I can inhale her sweet scent.
“You saw me yesterday when you brought me coffee.”
“True, but it was too long ago.” I draw her closer to me until her breasts brush against my chest. “I have you now, though, and that’s all that matters.”
A shiver ripples through her. Tentatively, she reaches up to place her hands on the sides of my neck. Having her soft fingers against my skin is dizzying.
“You’re the most beautiful woman here tonight,” I murmur, running my nose along hers.
She lets out a soft laugh. “You’re smooth with your words, Dempsey Park.”
They’re not just words, though. They’re the truth. She’s not just the most beautiful woman here tonight. She’s the most beautiful woman everywhere every night.
“I have been dying to kiss you ever since the other day at your house.” My voice is a raspy growl filled with desperation. “Please tell me you’re here so I can kiss you again.”
Rather than answering, she stands on her toes, tilting her head up as she finds my lips. Our mouths meet gently at first and then, like the other day, it’s as if a rubber band snaps us into action. A whimper escapes her as she opens her mouth, allowing me deeper access to her.
Tonight, she tastes like mint and mine.
My greedy palms slip down to her round ass and I squeeze her through her dress. I want to know what sort of panties she wears. Are they simple and plain or skimpy and sexy? Either way, I know they’ll be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.
One day, I will take them off so I can see the rest of her.
One day soon.
I grip her ass and lift her. She goes with the flow, wrapping her legs around my waist. Our kiss grows more ravenous, each of us damn near trying to devour the other. She lets out a small yelp when I push her back against the wall of the building. Then it’s my groan that erupts out of the wet, breathy sounds of our kissing the second my hard cock presses against her pussy.
“See what you do to me?” I rasp out, slowly grinding my hips so she can feel it. “Every damn time I see you.”
She laughs, soft and fucking cute as hell. “That’s a rather big problem.”
I nip at her lip. “A problem only you can solve, babe.”
Our lips and teeth and tongues continue to interrupt our conversation. The need I have for her is so intense and unlike anything I’ve ever felt in my whole life.
She’s mine.
She was always mine.
I just wasn’t allowed to have her until now.
Totally worth the wait.
“This thing between us,” I murmur, biting at her bottom lip. “It’s not going to stop. You’re not some itch to be scratched for me. You’re everything to me.”
She pulls back to stare into my eyes, searching with her probing stare for the truth in my statement. When she doesn’t find a single lie, she graces me with another breathtaking smile.
The sound of Dad’s voice is ice water on my erection. Sloane claws her way out of my grip, forcing me to set her back down to her feet. We’ve barely separated when Dad comes around the side of the building.