Page 81 of The Law of Deceit
“No, she wasn’t there. Rhiannon was devastated because she somehow still loved the monster. I also learned she’s pregnant.”
“Damn.” He tucks an errant strand of hair behind my ear. “How did she take knowing Trevor was the one to find him?”
I bite on my lip, tearing my gaze from his. “I didn’t tell her. It would only upset her more. Anyway, Kaden opted to stay the night there.”
Dempsey pulls me in for another one of his warm, comforting hugs. When he has me all wrapped up in everything that’s him, it’s easy to block out the world and stay in a suspended moment of bliss.
“That’s not the worst of it,” I grumble. “I went by the station to see if they had any leads and they treated me like a criminal who was involved. Tanaka handed me my ass and told me to stay away from this case.”
He strokes his hand up and down my back. It soothes me more than I would have thought.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs against my hair. “You’ve had to deal with a lot lately. I wish I could do something to help.”
“Actually,” I say, pulling away. “Maybe there is.”
His brows furl together as he studies me. Genuine concern and desire to help gleam in his magnetic stare. “Anything, babe.”
“Tanaka doesn’t want me to investigate as a cop, but maybe I could as a civilian—as a concerned aunt. If we find something helpful, we can submit it as an anonymous tip.”
“You want to go look for him?”
“Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone. We can check out where those arrogant asshole bikers hang out while also hunting down Trevor.”
Dempsey smirks. “A stakeout?”
“An unofficial one.”
“We’ll take the bike, Officer Do-Good. Can’t be rolling up to the enemy’s lair in a cop car.”
He drops his backpack onto the sofa and then gestures at me. “As much as I love when your hair is down, you’ll want to put it up for our ride.”
After putting my hair in a tight bun and changing into darker clothing so I don’t stand out so much, I climb onto the bike behind Dempsey. He fires up the engine, which is deafening, and then peels out. I shriek in shock, tightening my hold around his middle. His laughter can be heard over the engine and his whole body shakes with amusement. I playfully pinch his nipple to let him know what I think about him making fun of me.
Through my research, no thanks to Montgomery or Bishop, I learned the Park Mountain Shadows MC hangs at a bar called Pipe’s on the edge of town and also seem to have a presence in one of the older neighborhoods not far from Rhiannon’s apartment complex. I motion for Dempsey where to turn to take us by Pipe’s first. He slowly drives by while I scope out the place. There are a few old trucks and a couple of beat down minivans, but no bikers.
He guns it when we pass the bar and then I guide him to our new destination. There’s a lookout point at one of the smaller mountains near the neighborhood. I direct him to it and when we arrive, he shuts off the bike, bathing us in silence.
“Romantic,” Dempsey teases as we climb off the bike. “If you wanted to take me on a date, you didn’t have to dress it up as a stakeout.”
A smile tugs at my lips. I give him a quick peck before walking over to the edge of the lookout. While I can’t see details, I can hear music in the distance and the rumble of motorcycles. Near one of the bigger houses that backs up to a field, there’s a giant bonfire going.
“You think that’s their club?” Dempsey asks. “Too bad we didn’t bring binoculars.”
I put that on the mental list for next time. Right now we’re not looking to engage but more or less getting a lay of the land. There’s a gigantic barn about a hundred yards from the home close to the edge of the woods. I wonder if we could enter from those woods and take cover behind the barn to get a closer look.
Glancing over at my partner, guilt suddenly punches me in the gut. Dempsey, though a strong, capable man, is not a cop. Bringing him on this little mission is dangerous and reckless. But Trevor is at risk and I’m not thinking as clearly as I should be. Plus, I feel so much calmer with Dempsey around. I won’t let anything happen to him.
Dempsey walks over to the rocky ledge and sits down. He pats the ground beside him. “Come sit. You’re wound up really fucking tight, babe.”
I relax and give him a clipped nod before joining him. Once I’m settled, he wraps an arm around me, tugging me to his side.
“That’s better.”
I smile. “Much.”
We sit for a while, neither of us speaking. There’s an easiness about being with Dempsey that I’ve really come to love. He’s right. I’m wound up a lot of the time, but he unwinds me. I relax and can just be myself around him.
“Does your mom hate me?” I ask, cringing at how everything went down between Dempsey and his family this evening. “Is she going to kill me?”